Examples of Reprocessing plant in a sentence
The demolition of the EUROCHEMIC Reprocessing plant is being carried out in three phases.
Some of the plutonium processed at this facility had been separated at Tokai Reprocessing plant and some had been returned from Europe.
Reprocessing plant capacities in India and Pakistan (tons of heavy metal in spent fuel per year) Some of India’s weapon grade plutonium has been consumed over the years in nuclear weapons tests, as reactor fuel and in processing losses.
Shirley: As an inspector, the introduction of a large spike, the LDS (Large Dried Spike) spike, was really a great contribution to our preparation of samples at the Tokyo Reprocessing plant, you as the operator, and Erwin as our representative at the agency.
This figure represents an estimate volume, in which the entire volume of plutonium,approximately eight tons, produced under full operation of the Rokkasho Reprocessing plant would be used for MOX fabrication.In this facility, COGEMA’s MIMAS (Micronized Master Blend) method is adopted for the powder mixing technology, in which there are two stages of the mixing procedure.