Use Terms means the Software Use Rights document as defined in the Order Form.
Exclusive Use Area means a part or parts of the common property for the exclusive use by the owner or owners of one or more sections;
Data Use Agreement means the agreement incorporated into the Contract to facilitate creation, receipt, maintenance, use, disclosure or access to Confidential Information.
Common Terms Agreement means the written agreement entitled "Common Terms Agreement", dated on or about 21 July, 2017 (as amended and/or reinstated from time to time), between, amongst others, the Borrower (as borrower) and the Facility Agent.
Parking Garage means a building or portion of a building, other than a private garage, that is used for the temporary parking of motor vehicles;
Parking None unreserved vehicle parking spaces ("UNRESERVED PARKING SPACES"); and None reserved vehicle parking spaces ("RESERVED PARKING SPACES"). (Also see Paragraph 2.6.)
Maximum design heat input means the ability of a unit to combust a stated maximum amount of fuel per hour on a steady state basis, as determined by the physical design and physical characteristics of the unit.
maximum content of non-originating materials means the maximum content of non-originating materials which is permitted in order to consider a manufacture to be working or processing sufficient to confer originating status on the product. It may be expressed as a percentage of the ex-works price of the product or as a percentage of the net weight of these materials used falling under a specified group of chapters, chapter, heading or subheading;
Conservation easement means a nonpossessory interest of a holder in real property imposing limitations or affirmative obligations the purposes of which include retaining or protecting natural, scenic, or open-space values of real property, assuring its availability for agricultural, forest, recreational, or open-space use, protecting natural resources, maintaining or enhancing air or water quality, or preserving the historical, architectural, archaeological, or cultural aspects of real property.
Standard Terms and Conditions or “Standard Terms” means these terms and conditions for the grant of the Loan to the Borrower by ABFL.
Ambient air quality standard means an established concentration, exposure time, and frequency of occurrence of air contaminant(s) in the ambient air which shall not be exceeded.
Terms of Use means any privacy policy, terms of use or other terms and conditions made applicable by BNYM in connection with the Company’s or a Permitted User’s access to and use of a Component System or a BNYM Web Application or other access site or access method.
Specific Terms and Conditions means the specific terms and conditions as described in Section 6.1 (and, in relation to an Agreement between AGN and a Network User, means the Specific Terms and Conditions which form part of that Agreement).
Garage shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Recital H;
Special use tyre means a tyre intended for mixed use both on- and off-road or for other special duty. These tyres are primarily designed to initiate and maintain the vehicle in motion in off-road conditions."
Parking Areas means those portions of the Common Areas or other areas under Landlord’s control which from time to time are designated by the Landlord for the parking of automobiles and other automotive vehicles while engaged in business upon the Premises (other than while being used to make deliveries to and from the Premises).
Use Agreement means the use agreement by and between HDFC and HUD which commences on or before the Effective Date, runs with the land, binds all subsequent owners and creditors of the Exemption Area, and requires that the housing project on the Exemption Area continue to operate on terms at least as advantageous to existing and future tenants as the terms required by the original Section 202 loan agreement or any Section 8 rental assistance payments contract or any other rental housing assistance contract and all applicable federal regulations.
URL Terms means the terms with which Customer must comply, which are located at a URL, referenced in this Agreement and are hereby incorporated by reference.
Easement Area means the area which is hatched on the plan.
Easement Agreement means any conditions, covenants, restrictions, easements, declarations, licenses and other agreements listed as Permitted Encumbrances or as may hereafter affect the Leased Premises.
Relevant Terms and Conditions means terms and conditions relating to:
Extended Terms shall have the meaning given such term in Section 2.4.
Exclusive use means the sole use by a single consignor of a conveyance for which all initial, intermediate, and final loading and unloading are carried out in accordance with the direction of the consignor or consignee. The consignor and the carrier must ensure that any loading or unloading is performed by personnel having radiological training and resources appropriate for safe handling of the consignment. The consignor must issue specific instructions, in writing, for maintenance of exclusive use shipment controls, and include them with the shipping paper information provided to the carrier by the consignor.
Primary Terms and Conditions means the terms and conditions applicable to the ICICI Bank’s internet banking facility/service.
Special Terms and Conditions means any special terms and conditions supplementing and/or amending these Terms and Conditions.
parking place means a road or length of road designated for the leaving of vehicles as indicated by appropriate road markings