Residual Inert Matter definition
Examples of Residual Inert Matter in a sentence
All charges for handling and transportation of the Residual Inert Matter will be borne by Corporation.
To be deleted if the Residual Waste and Residual Inert Matter will not be disposed of at a sanitary landfill and an alternate location is to be specified.
Any Tipping Fee ("Tipping Fee" means any charges, fees or levies, etc… by whatsoever name called, paid by First Party/Corporation to First Party/any other agency for use of Landfill site for disposal of Residual Inert Matter and Rejected Waste due to First Party MSW Quantity) or other charges that are imposed by First Party for making the Landfill Site available shall be borne by First Party and if Corporation has to pay any such tipping fee or charges, it shall be charged to First Party.
However, if such Landfill is not made available by First Party due to any reasons whatsoever, or at a later date First Party refuses to accept Residual Inert Matter generated due to First Party MSW Quantity, then First Party shall cause the Landfill Site to be made available for the purposes of this Agreement at its own cost and expense (including payment of all levies, charges and taxes whatever) and as per the requirements and conditions as prescribed under Applicable Law.
Corporation shall collect and transport the Residual Inert Matter from the Plant to the Landfill Site and dispose the Residual Inert Matter at the Landfill Site.