Resource lands definition
Examples of Resource lands in a sentence
The mitigation and enhancement shall increase the natural values and quality of the remaining Significant Resource lands located on the site or other location as approved by the City.
Resource lands not currently identified may be designated by amendment to this Plan.
Resource lands, critical areas, open space corridors, mixed use areas, residential, commercial, industrial, and major public and private facilities should all be addressed.
This most recent evaluation was not a comprehensive Land Evaluation and Area Review in conjunction with Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs but served to refine the agricultural resource lands which were previously identified.Agricultural Resource lands generally include lands which are Class 1-3 in the Canada Land Inventory for agricultural capability, specialty crop land, and lands used for, or related to, agricultural productivity.
Resource lands include natural areas, wetlands, forests, woodlands, meadows, streams or other areas containing fish or wildlife habitat as well as features of archaeological or historical value.
A Rural 10 designation is are applied within the rural area to prevent premature subdivision of future urban areas where the lands are adjacent to designated Urban Reserves, and where the predominant size is are equal or greater than 10 acres., Rural 10 parcels act as a buffer to Natural Resource lands and protects environmentally critical areas consistent with applicable county ordinance and related regulations.
Policy requires that species, habitat, and natural community preservation/conservation strategies be prepared to protect special status plant and animal species and natural communities and habitats when discretionary development is proposed on lands with such resources, unless it is determined that those resources exist, and either are or can be protected, on public lands or private Natural Resource lands.
These areas have steep topography, limited access via State and County roads, or areas that can provide a transition to Natural Resource lands.
Gutchess (2012), “Age-related Neural Differences in Affiliation and Isolation,” Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience, 12 (2), 269-279.Carpenter, Stephanie and Carolyn Yoon (2012), “Aging and Consumer Decision Making,” Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1235, E1-E12.Reimann, M., Alan J.
Resource lands consist of forest, farm, and mineral resource lands of long-term significance.