RESPONDING AGENCY means the Party or Agency which has received a request to furnish aid and assistance from another Party and has agreed to provide the same.
RESPONDING AGENCY or "responding jurisdiction" means the agency that is providing services in response to a referral from an initiat- ing agency in an intergovernmental IV-D case.

Examples of RESPONDING AGENCY in a sentence

  • The Call Transfer to Responding agency feature allows the PSAP attendant to transfer incoming 911 calls to another agency via a two-way private line circuit.

  • Responding agency members who are involved in on-duty motor vehicle collisions while working as a part of the MAMFF will report the incident to their immediate supervisor as well as the MAMFF OIC.

  • Responding agency refers to the agency that is providing services in response to a referral from an initiating agency.

  • Responding agency identifies a BH Safety Officer (job description p.

  • At any time prior to the specified time and date set for the proposal due date, a designated representative of the Responding agency may withdraw the submission provided that such person provides acceptable proof of his or her identity and such person signs a receipt.

More Definitions of RESPONDING AGENCY

RESPONDING AGENCY means the Party providing assistance.
RESPONDING AGENCY means a Party to this Agreement who has either (i) received a request from another Party to provide Mutual Aid pursuant to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, or (ii) been dispatched pursuant to the Automatic Aid protocolsherein.
RESPONDING AGENCY means subject to entering into a Financial Procedures Agreement with the Trustee, any entity that is identified as a Responding Agency in the Operations Manual, as such entity shall have been named or accredited by the Steering Body for the Country Implementation Modality or Responding Agency Implementation Modality in accordance with the accreditation criteria and procedures developed and approved by the Steering Body in conjunction with the Trustee, pursuant to the terms of this PEF Framework. A Responding Agency may participate in PEF activities under either the Country Implementation Modality or Responding Agency Implementation Modality, as specified for it in the Operations Manual;
RESPONDING AGENCY means the agency that is providing services in response to a referral from an initiating agency in an intergovernmental case.
RESPONDING AGENCY means the Agency sending assistance.
RESPONDING AGENCY means the Agency from which aid is requested by the Requesting Agency.
RESPONDING AGENCY means, for the purpose of this Agreement, WFP, acting as responding agency of the PEF. For the avoidance of doubt, WFP does not act on behalf of or is responsible for other responding agencies of the PEF;