Mutual Aid Sample Clauses

Mutual Aid. When rendering mutual aid or assistance as authorized in H&SC Sections 13050 and 13054, STATE may, at the request of LOCAL AGENCY, demand payment of charges and seek reimbursement of LOCAL AGENCY costs for personnel, equipment and operating expenses as funded herein, under authority given by H&SC Sections 13051 and 13054. STATE, in seeking said reimbursement pursuant to such request of LOCAL AGENCY, shall represent LOCAL AGENCY by following the procedures set forth in H&SC Section 13052. Any recovery of LOCAL AGENCY costs, less expenses, shall be paid or credited to LOCAL AGENCY, as directed by LOCAL AGENCY. In all such instances, STATE shall give timely notice of the possible application of H&SC Sections 13051 and 13054 to the officer designated by LOCAL AGENCY.
Mutual Aid. Pursuant to Health and Safety Code Sections 13050 et seq., when rendering mutual aid or assistance, COUNTY may, at the request of CITY, demand payment of charges and seek reimbursement of CITY costs for personnel, equipment use, and operating expenses as funded herein, under authority given by Health and Safety Code sections 13051 and 13054. COUNTY, in seeking said reimbursement pursuant to such request of CITY, shall represent the CITY by following the procedures set forth in Health and Safety Code Section 13052. Any recovery of CITY costs, less actual expenses, shall be paid or credited to the CITY, as directed by CITY. In all such instances, COUNTY shall give timely notice of the possible application of Health and Safety Code sections 13051 and 13054 to the officer designated by CITY. As provided in Health and Safety Code section 13009, County Ordinance No. 787.10, Section 5.D.2., and California Fire Code, COUNTY may bring an action for collection of suppression costs of any fire caused by negligence, violation of law, or failure to correct noticed fire safety violations. Additionally, COUNTY may bring action for collection to any person who negligently, intentionally or in violation of law causes an emergency response, including, but not limited to, a traffic accident, spill of toxic or flammable fluids or chemicals is liable for the costs of securing such emergency, including those costs pursuant to Government Code section 53150 et seq. as may be amended from time to time. When using CITY equipment and personnel under the terms of this Agreement, COUNTY may bring such actions for collection of costs incurred by CITY and the COUNTY. In such a case CITY appoints and designates COUNTY as its agent in said collection proceedings. In the event of recovery, COUNTY shall apportion the recovered amount via the annual Cost Allocation Plan. This recovery does not include CITY resources outside of this Cooperative Agreement. Those resources would require the CITY to obtain cost recovery directly. In all such instances, COUNTY shall give timely notice of the possible application of Health and Safety Code section 13009 to the officer designated by CITY.
Mutual Aid. A. Regional, State, or Federal mutual aid requests. Contractor must respond to requests for mutual aid made at the Regional, State, or Federal levels as part of the Regional, State and/or Federal response system, if directed to do so by the MVEMSA Executive Director, her/his designee, or the MHOAC unless the request would fundamentally cause immediate failure of service to the Contractor’s authorized response zone. Any mutual aid refusal must be in consultation with the MVEMSA Executive Director or her/his designee. B. In-County or neighboring jurisdiction Mutual Aid requests. Contractor shall respond to in-county or neighboring jurisdiction Mutual Aid which may be requested through dispatch or the MVEMSA Executive Director or her/his designee, unless the Field Supervisor or dispatch can verify that a given request would cause immediate failure of service to the Contractor’s authorized response zone. All Mutual Aid refusals are to be reported to the MVEMSA Executive Director the next business day following the refusal. Contractor shall maintain and document: 1. The number and nature of Mutual Aid responses it makes into any neighboring jurisdiction; and, 2. The number and nature of Mutual Aid responses made by other ambulance providers to calls originating within the Contractor’s authorized response zone. C. Contractor shall not be held accountable for Emergency Response Time compliance for any Mutual Aid assignment originating outside the authorized response zone and these calls will not be counted in the total number of calls used to determine Response Time compliance. D. It is the MVEMSA desire to ensure that mutual aid does not cause a negative impact on Contractor or other ambulance providers. Should any ambulance provider report an adverse impact, MVEMSA, and impacted parties will agree to engage in a discussion to evaluate such level of mutual aid service between the agencies and all impacted parties will be involved in developing solutions to discuss usage reduction, if any are required.
Mutual Aid. A. As of the date of this Agreement and thereafter, upon notification by an authorized representative of DEP to the OPERATOR of an emergency situation, the OPERATOR will make its designated trainee available immediately to aid the party suffering such emergency in accordance with 30 CFR §49.2(a)(2), provided, however, that its designated trainee shall not then be responding to or engaged in another emergency situation. B. The mine rescue personnel of the OPERATOR will be subject to the direction of the individual or individuals in charge at the site of rescue operations. C. For purposes of this Agreement, “mine rescue operations” shall mean services or work to search for, rescue, or transport a person or persons endangered, trapped, injured, or killed in a mine disaster or emergency situation. The term shall also include: • Any rehabilitation work in the mine which is necessary to search for, rescue, or transport any person or persons in the mine. • Fire fighting and mine recovery work which requires the use of personnel with self- contained breathing apparatus until such time the OPERATOR requesting mine rescue services reasonably determines that additional mine rescue services will not significantly impact the ability of the mine to be preserved or recovered. D. The mine rescue team member’s employer shall be responsible for compensation of said employee for all hours worked related to responding to, and performing work at, mine emergencies. The employer shall also be responsible for providing Workmen’s Compensation insurance as well as any claims against the trainee which may result from such emergency. E. The OPERATOR who may suffer an emergency, as a condition of its entitlement to the services of a mine rescue team member, whose employer has entered into a Mine Rescue Team Agreement with the DEP, shall agree to the following: 1. Reimbursement to the providing operator of wages of team members and all costs related to the services of the team, including but not limited to transportation costs, and out-of pocket expenses while en-route to or from, or at the emergency site. 2. Wage hours and rates of the team members shall be the same as if they had worked a like emergency at the team members' own mine. 3. Reimbursement to the providing operator of wages and costs shall be by invoice of separate costs submitted to the party suffering the emergency with reasonable detail and backup information.
Mutual Aid. ‌ Mutual aid may be requested once all on duty available City of Urbana Fire Department personnel have been dispatched, or are on other responses or when equipment is not available by City of Urbana Fire Department. Mutual aid units will be requested first from the Champaign Fire Department. Any additional Mutual Aid units needed, and not available from Champaign Fire, will be requested from the existing County- wide Mutual Aid agreement ,but not substituted in lieu of an attempt to call back any off duty Urbana Fire personnel to back fill staffing. All Mutual Aid companies operating inside the corporate city limits of Urbana will, if possible, be under the supervision of a member of the City of Urbana Fire Department, or if not available a member of the City of Champaign Fire Department. Mutual Aid is defined as aid that is being requested by the authority having jurisdiction. Automatic Aid is defined as prearranged assistance in accordance with the run cards at the Fire dispatch center. Exception will be a request for a special piece of equipment that neither the City of Urbana Fire Department or the City of Champaign Fire Department maintains. Pursuant to 65 ILCS 5/10-2.1-4, the City shall not use a person who has not qualified for regular appointment to the Fire Division as a temporary or permanent substitute or for regular appointment as a member of the Fire Division.
Mutual Aid. It is not the City’s intention to use mutual aid to avoid callbacks.
Mutual Aid. In any case where the Town has a mutual aid agreement with any city or town in the State of Rhode Island or the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and the members of the permanent paid fire department of such city or town have set up a picket line, employees covered by this Agreement shall not be ordered to engage in firefighting services with the exception of immediate and necessary life saving functions in said city or town wherein the picket line has been established by members of said fire department.
Mutual AidIn the event a Party’s Police Chief determines that an event, incident, emergency, or an eminent threat of emergency is such that the Party’s available law enforcement resources will likely be inadequate to address the event, incident, or emergency (existing or threatened), the Police Chief of the Requesting Party shall notify the other Party. The Police Chief of the Responding Party shall evaluate the request and the Party’s available resources and respond in a manner deemed appropriate. No Party shall be required to provide Mutual Aid unless it determines that it has sufficient resources to do so based on current or anticipated events within its own jurisdiction. a. The Mutual Aid provided by the Responding Party may be recalled at the discretion of the Police Chief or of the Responding Party. b. Officers of the Responding Party will work under their own supervisors and with their own equipment to the extent possible. c. All general direction relative to the work will be given by the appropriate officers of the Requesting Party.
Mutual Aid. Nothing will preclude the University of Chicago from engaging in Mutual Aid agreements, responding to Mutual Aid requests, or asking for Mutual Aid assistance as
Mutual AidUnit Members while rendering aid to another community at the direction of their superiors shall be fully covered by the Workers’ Compensation and Liability Insurance and Pension as provided by the University and the State. Rutgers shall not assign Unit Members covered by this Agreement to work under the jurisdiction of communities whose Fire and/or Emergency Medical Services are engaged in a job action. This will not preclude the use of personnel of Rutgers from assisting another community when requested to perform vital emergency functions.