Examples of Categorical grant in a sentence
Categorical grant funding is being allocated to specific local health departments to pilot the expansion and enhancement of multiple services within a specified setting.
Categorical grant funding is allocated to specific local health departments.
Arkansas’ per eligible student amounts for its National School Lunch Categorical grant program increased from $1,488 for concentrations greater than 90 percent, $992 for concentrations ranging from 70 percent toinclude a change in the student count used in Indiana’s Complexity Index calculation from students eligible for FRL to those eligible for the Temporary Assistance for the Needy Families (TANF) program, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), or those in foster care.
Categorical grant funds are eligible sources to cover the projected $300,000 annual expense for 2018-2019 and 2019-2020.
Categorical grant funds could provide accountability but they could not provide flexibility to ad- dress most State-specific priorities.