Rest Days definition
Examples of Rest Days in a sentence
In case of exigency of work, the contractor will be required to engage his labours round the clock regardless of Holidays / Rest Days with suitable compensation by grant of compensatory leave in lieu thereof.
The Bank may according, to operational needs, require the Officer to be on standby duty during Outside Working Hours or during Rest Days or Public Holidays.
Perfect Attendance is defined as Engineers marked up on their assignments, working regularly, observing Rest Days and other absences that are sanctioned by Agreement.
This means that the numbers of days for annual leave and Rest Days in Lieu (RDIL) carried forward at the end of 2022/23 were slightly higher than those carried forward into 2021/22, this was largely due to the continuing waves of the pandemic, with new variants causing further absences during the financial year, although this is expected to return to a more normal level at the end of 2022/23, as the impact of the virus subsides.
Overtime On Rest Days a) Service rendered by an employee on his assigned rest day or days will be paid for under the call rule when such service is not a part of any assignment..
Others allow a system where individuals can advise in advance of roster publication when they will not be available for “pre-rostering” or callout; and those Rest Days or Z Days are asterisked for that individual.
Work on Rest Days and Holidays....................................................................................................
Rest Days and Accumulative Time As a general rule the rest days for employees engaged in classroom instruction shall be Saturday and Sunday however, when regular rest days or general holidays coincide with the classroom training session, other rest days off will be given without loss of pay.
These increases are due to the Police Officer recruitment and the number of Officers and Staff carrying forward the maximum annual leave balance due to the impact of COVID-19 offset by a reduction in the number of Rest Days in lieu.
The increase has been caused by Officer being encouraged to use accrued Rest Days in Lieu (RDIL) rather than annual leave.