Duty Period Sample Clauses
Duty Period. The duty period for a college professor appointed to a six month part-time continuing appointment pursuant to clause 13.6 shall be six months less such time as is specified for vacation in this Agreement.
Duty Period. 18.4.1 The duty period for full-time continuing employees shall be 12 months less vacation time.
18.4.2 The duty period for part-time continuing employees hired pursuant to shall be as specified in the offer of appointment.
18.4.3 The duty period for an employee on a term appointment shall be as specified in the offer of appointment.
18.4.4 There shall not be more than five days of scheduled duty per calendar week for any employee, and there shall be at least two consecutive days with no assigned duties.
18.4.5 With the exception of college professors who have accepted a six-month part-time continuing appointment, the total instructional duty period for a continuing or full-time term college professor in any one academic year shall not normally exceed 34 weeks except in the case of college professors scheduled to teach in programs and courses which extend beyond 34 weeks. College professors assigned such instructional duties shall receive a stipend in accordance with section 37.3.
Duty Period. A Flight Attendant will not be scheduled to be on duty for more than ten hours and thirty minutes (10:30) //. S/he will not be // reassigned to a duty period // in excess of twelve hours and thirty minutes (12:30) on a duty period by duty period basis //. Notwithstanding the duty limitations contained in this Paragraph, in the event of an irregular operation a Flight Attendant will be required to remain on her/his sequence until the aircraft returns to the Home Sequence Domicile even if doing so requires the Flight Attendant to exceed her/his maximum duty hours except as provided in 8.G.
1. [Fourteen Hour (14:00) Duty…], below. If scheduled duty of ten hours and thirty minutes (10:30) or less subsequently exceeds twelve hours and thirty minutes (12:30) due to irregular operations the following provisions in 8.F. [Over-Duty Pay], 8.G. [Fourteen Hour (14:00) Duty…], and/or 8.H. [Compensatory (Double-Out) Rest], below, will apply. See Section 10.DD. [Long Stage Length…] for duty limitations applicable to Long Stage Length Duty Periods.
Duty Period. A. Faculty Members on nine-month (9-month) appointments in the I and C classifications are on duty for nine
Duty Period. A period of time a pilot is scheduled to be on duty or is actually on duty during a trip or airport standby.
Duty Period. For pay credit and per diem calculation purposes, when a duty period (pairing) starts in one block and ends in the next, it will be split in two (2) parts coinciding with the end of the block. Pay credits and per diem will be calculated for each part of the duty period and paid in the applicable block month. For example, a pairing starting on the twenty-ninth (29th) of one month and ending on the second (2nd) of the next month would be broken down as follows: • Day 29, 30, 31 (if applicable) – per diem and duty credit are accounted for in the first (1st) month. • Day 1, 2 - per diem and duty credit are accounted for in the second (2nd) month.
Duty Period. .01 A duty period shall commence
Duty Period. The elapsed time from Check In to Check Out.
Duty Period. For purposes of this Section, a Duty Period means all of the elapsed time between report time and release time either at a Flight Attendant’s Base or layover location.
Duty Period a. A Flight Attendant’s duty period in domicile shall commence one (1) hour prior to scheduled departure at the airport or designated location and shall end thirty (30) minutes after block- in of the flight, or when actually released from all duty, whichever is later. If the duty period is extended, the “A” Flight Attendant will notify Crew Scheduling of the actual release time. Flight Attendants should be on the aircraft at base, ready to commence the boarding process no less than fifty (50) minutes prior to departure.
b. A Flight Attendant is on duty until thirty (30) minutes after release from a trip assignment, deadheading, ferrying, and during all time involved when being tested for drug or alcohol use, and while in training.
c. Check-in times for trips away from base shall commence fifty (50) minutes before flight time, with Flight Attendants on the aircraft, prepared to commence the boarding process at forty-five (45) minutes. However, a check-in time away from base may be reduced to thirty (30) minutes due to irregular operations for the purpose of ensuring minimum rest. If the check-in time for a trip has been delayed by more than sixty (60) minutes, transportation from the hotel to the airport will be adjusted accordingly.
d. For purposes of rest, any scheduled time in excess of one (1) hour to or from a hotel shall be considered part of the Flight Attendant’s actual duty period.