Result Set definition
Examples of Result Set in a sentence
For each Query received by Google from Customer, Google shall provide a Result Set.
Upon receiving a Result Set provided in accordance with the Service Level Agreement attached hereto as Schedule I (the “SLA”) and including Sponsored Links, Customer may display all Sponsored Links included in the Result Set without any Google brand attribution in Customer’s multi-category search results pages, an example of which is in Schedule F attached hereto (the “Multi-Category Page”).
Google shall not be responsible for receiving Queries directly from Customer’s end Users, for transmission of data between Customer and Google’s network interface or for displaying the Result Set to Customer’s End Users, nor shall Google be responsible for providing search results to End Users conducting searches to locate information on the Web.
Google will receive end user Queries from Customer at Google’s network interface, process the Queries containing Search Phrases and return a Result Set related to such Search Phrase to Customer via Google’s network interface, using the Google Data Protocol, or other means as Google may implement from time to time (the “Operations”).
Google shall not be responsible for receiving Queries directly from Customer’s End Users, for transmission of data between Customer and Google’s network interface or for displaying the Result Set to Customer’s End Users, nor shall Google be responsible for providing search results to End Users conducting searches to locate information on the Web.
Google will receive valid End User Queries from Customer at Google’s network interface, process the Queries containing Search Phrases and return a Result Set related to such Search Phrase to Customer via Google’s network interface, using the Google Data Protocol, or other means as Google may implement from time to time (the “Operations”).
Google will receive Queries from or on behalf of Customer at Google's network interface, process the Queries and return a Result Set to Customer via Google's network interface, using the Google Data Protocol, or other means as Google may implement from time to time.
We describe in more detail the role of the DRS object next:3) Discovery Result Set: If we trace the execution of a SRQL query in the EKG, we obtain a directed graph from the input DEs of the query to the output DEs. The discovery result set (DRS) keeps track of this provenance graph, which we use to answer SRQL queries, navigate the results with different granularities, and to rank results on-the-fly.
In this section we give a formal definition of the language primitives of SRQL in IV-A1, followed by a running example in IV-A2 and concluding with an in-depth discussion of the Discovery Result Set (DRS) (in IV-A3).
A Full Result Set for Chapter 3 113 B CASPA Word lists 117 Bibliography 119 List of Figures 2.1 The Peripheral Auditory System 8 2.2 Anatomy of the Cochlea 9 2.3 Post Stimulus Time Histogram (PSTH) 11 2.4 Frequency Resolution and SNHL 13 2.5 Sample audiogram showing hearing thresholds for a subject with a moderate sensorineural hearing loss 15 2.6 Schematic diagram of the Zilany et al.