Examples of Retained Revenue in a sentence
All movements in the provision for doubtful debts are recognised in the Statement of Income and Expenditure and Retained Revenue Reserves.
Rental expenditure under operating leases is recognised in the Statement of Income and Expenditure and Retained Revenue Reserves over the life of the lease.
If there is objective evidence of impairment of the value of an asset, an impairment loss is recognised in the Statement of Income and Expenditure and Retained Revenue Reserves in the year.
Revaluation losses are charged to the Statement of Income and Expenditure and Retained Revenue Reserves unless they are reversing gains previously credited to Statement of Comprehensive Income.
The gain or loss arising on the disposal or retirement of a fixed asset is determined as the difference between the sales proceeds and the carrying amount of the asset and is recognised in the Statement of Income and Expenditure and Retained Revenue Reserves.
Operating LeaseRental expenditure under operating leases is recognised in the Statement of Income and Expenditure and Retained Revenue Reserves over the life of the lease.
All fixed asset acquisitions, regardless of the source of funds, are capitalised as construction work in progress and are not depreciated.If there is objective evidence of impairment of the value of an asset, an impairment loss is recognised in the Statement of Income and Expenditure and Retained Revenue reserves in the year.
This income is released to the Statement of Income and Expenditure and Retained Revenue Reserves on delivery of the service.
Revaluation gains are credited to the Statement of Comprehensive Income unless they are reversing previously recognised losses that were charged to the Statement of Income and Expenditure and Retained Revenue Reserves.
Reimbursements accrued on a monthly basis and were charged to the Statement of Income and Expenditure and Retained Revenue Reserves.