Examples of Return on Average Assets in a sentence
Return on Average Assets (annualized) (BHCK4340/BHCK3368) Schedules HI & HC-K Net Income as a percentage of Assets.
The three performance measurements of the Company (and the weight given to each measurement) applicable to each award level are as follows: (i) Return on Average Assets (50%), (ii) Net Interest Margin (25%) and (iii) Efficiency Ratio (25%).
Return on Average Assets The key performance parameter is the ROAA.
The two performance measurements of the Company (and the weight given to each measurement) applicable to each award level are as follows: (i) Return on Average Assets (50%) and (ii) Earnings Per Share (50%).
With respect to the Consolidated Bank Subsidiaries, maintain as at the end of any Fiscal Quarter a Return on Average Assets of at least equal to 0.90%.