Riparian Parties definition
Examples of Riparian Parties in a sentence
The Riparian Parties shall inform each other about competent authorities or points of contact designated for this purpose.
These systems shall operate on the basis of compatible data transmission and treatment procedures and facilities to be agreed upon by the Riparian Parties.
Consultations shall be held between the Riparian Parties on the basis of reciprocity, good faith and good-neighbourliness, at the request of any such Party.
The Riparian Parties shall without delay inform each other about any critical situation that may have transboundary impact.
The Riparian Parties shall set up, where appropriate, and operate coordinated or joint communication, warning and alarm systems with the aim of obtaining and transmitting information.
In the framework of general cooperation mentioned in article 9 of this Convention, or specific arrangements, the Riparian Parties shall undertake specific research and development activities in support of achieving and maintaining the water-quality objectives and criteria which they have agreed to set and adopt.
In the framework of general co-operation mentioned in article 9 of this Convention, or specific arrangements, the Riparian Parties shall undertake specific research and development activities in support of achieving and maintaining the water-quality objectives and criteria which they have agreed to set and adopt.
The Riparian Parties shall set up, where appropriate, and operate co-ordinated or joint communication, warning and alarm systems with the aim of obtaining and transmitting information.
The Water Convention obliges Riparian Parties to, “ensure that information on the conditions of transboundary waters, measures taken or planned to be taken to prevent, control and reduce transboundary impact, and the effectiveness of those measures, is made available to the public” (Art.
The concrete as- sessment of the “significance threshold” of the adverse effect making up the transboundary impact depends on the spe- cific situation in the catchment area, including the specific circumstances pertaining to the Riparian Parties involved, on a case-by-case basis.