Examples of Risk and needs assessment in a sentence
Risk and needs assessment items were tested for inter-rater reliability.To provide context for comparing the relative inter-rater reliability results, a minimum threshold of 75% agreement was established.
Risk and needs assessment was one of the most significant tasks of the Regional work group: in order to determine whether the activities envisaged in the project could be useful for the child, his/her behavioural risks and needs to eliminate these risks were identified.
Risk and needs assessment tools to evaluate the programming and security needs of all youthful offenders and at-risk youth.
Individual Level Data• Participant demographic characteristics such as race, ethnicity, gender, and age;• Risk and needs assessment information including risk level and substance abuse/dependence or mental health issues identified;• Participant criminal activity information such as arrests, convictions, jail and prison stays;• Participant case disposition information, if applicable, including length of sentence;• Participant failures to appear at court hearings.
Include a description of relevant leaders, representatives of agencies, service providers, nonprofit organizations, and other key stakeholders Reentry populationDescribe the target population including relevant information on demographics, risk level, and offense types Anticipated capacityEnter the number of participants expected to be admitted to the reentry program per year of the grant Risk and needs assessment A.