Risk Profile definition
Examples of Risk Profile in a sentence
Investment risk rating is a guide to determine the ILP Sub-Fund that is suitable to the risk profile as indicated in the HSBC Bank (Singapore) Limited’s (the “Bank”) Risk Profile Questionnaire (RPQ).
This report covers the Business and Performance of the Company, its System of Governance, Risk Profile, Valuation for Solvency Purposes and Capital Management.
The investment in such overseas Financial Assets shall not exceed the limit as may be imposed by SEBI/ RBI from time to time and shall be within the investment pattern as disclosed in the clause “Investment pattern and Risk Profile.
This Bond is consistent with the investor’s Investment Objectives and Risk Profile.
Investment Pattern and Risk Profile:The tentative portfolio break-up of Debt, Money Market Instruments, other permitted securities and such other securities as may be permitted by the Board from time to time with minimum and maximum asset allocation, while retaining the option to alter the asset allocation for a short term period on defensive considerations has been provided in Section C for detailed Asset Allocation and Risk Profile of the scheme.