Examples of Road Commission in a sentence
The Road Commission Agent shall be responsible for monitoring the condition of the road surface and initiating maintenance activities as needed to maintain the minimum road surface standards.
A Road Commission Agent shall be elected by a majority of the property owners, will serve a term as agreed to by the property owners, and can be replaced or renewed at any time by a simple majority vote of the parcel owners.
Before authorizing expenditures for future road improvements, parcel owners will be notified by the Road Commission Agent, cost estimates will be provided, and a majority agreement will be required.
The Road Commission Agent shall establish and maintain a bank checking account with a local bank, and will prepare and distribute to the herein affected parcel owners an annual income and expense report and a yearend balance sheet, accounting for all funds received and disbursed.
The Road Commission Agent shall send each parcel owner a two week notice of the annual payments due.