Examples of Roaming Costs in a sentence
The Transaction Will Expand Network Coveragefor Both AT&T’s and Dobson’s Customers and Provide a Significant Reduction in Roaming Costs The Commission has long recognized that expanding the geographic reach of a wireless carrier’s network is in the public interest,35 and that is clearly the case here.
Figure 3.2 Roaming Costs for an Esat Digifone customer roaming on a NI network.
Figure 3.3 Roaming Costs for prepay customers roaming on a NI network.
Figure 3.1 Roaming Costs for an Eircell customer roaming on a NI network.
Figure 3.4 Roaming Costs for a BTCellnet customer roaming on a ROI network Figure 3.5 Roaming Costs for an Orange customer roaming on a ROI network Figure 3.6 Roaming Costs for a Vodafone customer roaming on a ROI network Prepay Customers: Currently, it is not possible to roam in the Republic of Ireland with a Northern Ireland prepay package.
The Proposed Takeover Likely Would Raise Roaming Costs, Leading to Higher Prices AT&T’s proposed takeover of T-Mobile would allow AT&T and Verizon to exclude competitors by raising their costs and degrading their service quality due to their control over roaming.
The following are some drawbacks pertinent to the suggested system:- Network Roaming Costs (per transaction)- Due to its experimental nature, the hard-token may denote a higher initial investment, unless economies of scale are achieved.
ResponseRegulations will be amended to allow the following deductions for purpose of computing AOL; Roaming Costs, Interconnect Costs for network operators and Bandwidth Cost for Internet Service Providers.
ResponseAs earlier stated the Regulations will be amended to allow only the following deductions for purpose of computing AOL, Roaming Costs, Interconnect Costs, and Bandwidth Cost.
Figure 10 Roaming Industry Spend– Grand View Research Data Breakdown of Industry Wholesale Roaming Costs $19.7 bn wholesale roaming costs are distributed amongst Network Infrastructure ($2.5bn), IT Infrastructure ($1.8bn), Staff ($1.3bn), Vendors ($5.5bn), Roaming Fraud ($4.1bn), Dispute Time ($2.7bn) and Other Costs ($1.9bn) (refer Figure11).