Routine treatment definition
Examples of Routine treatment in a sentence
Routine treatment will include, but not limited to oral exam, prophylaxis, x-rays, and extractions.
However, hospitalization or prolonged hospitalization for a complication of therapy administration will be reported as an SAE.• Routine treatment or monitoring of the studied indication not associated with any deterioration in condition.• The administration of blood or platelet transfusion as routine treatment of studied indication.
Routine treatment of a community with antibiotics, or "mass chemoprophylaxis", has no effect on the spread of cholera and can have adverse effects by increasing antimicrobial resistance.
Two deaths were ascribed to delayed diagnosis and "appeared to be preventable." Routine treatment consisted of ( 1 ) localization by ventriculography and angi- ography in about half of the cases; (2) aspiration of the abscess through a burr hole followed by injection of colloidal thorium dioxide (thorotrast*) and sometimes penicillin; (3) removal of the abscess in cases in which further damage to important brain areas would not produce damage.
However, hospitalization or prolonged hospitalization for a complication of therapy administration will be reported as an SAE.• Routine treatment or monitoring of the studied indication not associated with any deterioration in condition.• A procedure for protocol/disease-related investigations (e.g., surgery, scans, endoscopy, sampling for laboratory tests, bone marrow sampling).
In one center we helped to develop, the viability of the project itself was threatened when one or two of the key assumptions changed, thus resulting in the prospective loss of several hundred cases per year.
Routine treatment expenses will be subject to one hundred percent (100%) reimbursement and Major Treatment expenses will be subject to eight percent (80%) reimbursement.
Events not considered to be serious adverse events are hospitalizations for the purposes of this protocol and include: Routine treatment or monitoring of the studied indication not associated with any deterioration in condition. treatment, which was elective or pre-planned, for a pre-existing condition that did not worsen treatment on an emergency, outpatient basis for an event not fulfilling any of the definitions of serious given above and not resulting in hospital admission.
This proposal plans to extend this action beyond 2014 in continuation of R7 and only in areas where the surveillance reports an increasing of malaria prevalence..ACTs (from Routine treatment to Mass Presumptive Treatment in Emergencies)The programmatic needs of ACTs continue to be in flux, and will continue to change as the program proceeds.
Routine treatment of fresh water by chlorinePUBLICATIONAll fresh water taken from shore or water barge for drinking or washing should be chlorinated on loading to ensure a residual free chlorine content of 0.2 ppm at all outlets throughout the ship’s freshwater distribution system.