Examples of Scheduled Business Day in a sentence
The historical volatility for each date has been calculated based on the previous 60 Scheduled Business Day period which is the period used to measure volatility to determine the Participation Rate.
The Reference Asset Value is calculated by reference to the change in the Reference Asset Level from the Commencement Date to the Reference Asset Level on the relevant Scheduled Business Day.
The formula for calculating Strategy Value (on Scheduled Business Day t) for Series 23 & 26 is as follows:will be deemed to direct the Issuer to direct the Custodian to holdthe Delivery Parcel on its behalf and to authorise and direct the IssuerStrategy Valuet = Strategy Value t-1x [1 + Participation Ratet-1 x(or its nominees) to sell or procure the sale of them on the Investors behalf.The examples set out below show the return on an investment in the Units at Maturity.
The Final Value and Coupons depend on the performance of the Strategy Value.The Strategy Value is calculated each Scheduled Business Day as described in Section 4.2 “Strategy Value” and depends on thelevel of the Reference Asset, the Participation Rate and the Index Adjustment Factor (which is 0 for Series 23).Please note that it does not take any fees into account and does not show the performance or return the Units would have generated.
The Index Adjustment Factor therefore reduces the performance of the Strategy Value and impacts on the returns you receive on your Units.In this way the Strategy Value will vary from one Scheduled Business Day to the next depending on the change in the level of the Reference Asset and Participation Rate.The Issuer intends to publish the Strategy Value (on a monthly basis) on its website at www.jbgsi.com.au.
Further information can be found at www.asx.com.au.Section 4.3 “The Reference Asset” reference Asset valueThe Reference Asset Value is calculated by reference to the change in the Reference Asset Level from the Commencement Date to the Reference Asset Level on the relevant Scheduled Business Day.
If there is a Market Disruption Event affecting the Reference Asset, Delivery Parcel or a component of them on certain dates for working calculations during the Investment Term (such as the Maturity Date) then the Issuer may determine to take action to take account of the disruption, or may delay the calculation to the next Scheduled Business Day on which there is no Market Disruption Event.
Sequoia Hindsight Units 19 7.1.1 THE STRATEGy VALUEThe graph below shows the historical levels of the Reference Asset compared to the simulated historical levels of the Strategy Value ending on each Scheduled Business Day from 19 October 1992 to 29 August 2013 (representing the entire data range for the Reference Asset).
The graph below shows the historical levels of the Reference Asset compared to the simulated historical levels of the Strategy Value ending on each Scheduled Business Day from 19 October 1992to 1 February 2012 (representing the entire data range for the Reference Asset for Series 23).
The Strategy Value is calculated each Scheduled Business Day as described in Section 4.2 “Strategy Value” and depends on the previous Scheduled Business Days’ Strategy Value, the change in level of the Reference Asset, the Participation Rate and the Index Adjustment Factor (which is 1.0p.a. for Series 26).Please note that it does not take any fees into account and does not show the performance or return the Units would have generated.