Examples of Scholarly activity in a sentence
Scholarly activity includes but is not limited to bibliographical work; research in librarianship or other subject areas; creative work, completed course work, degrees, or programs of study; and the dissemination of such scholarship in publications, conference papers, lectures and other credible forums.
Scholarly activity is a dynamic process consisting of the following interrelated components: discovery, application, integration, teaching and learning, and creative artistry.
Scholarly activity is determined by calculating the number of discipline-related refereed papers/publications, books/book chapters, juried creative/performance accomplishments, and notices of discoveries filed/patents issued per core faculty member over the last five years.
Promotion to this rank requires the following:— Normally, the Ph.D or its equivalent.— Demonstrated professional competence.— Scholarly activity and professional alertness.
Standards • The teaching staff collaborate in the fields of teaching and research within the HEI and with partners outside (practitioners in their fields, employers, and staff members at other HEIs in Cyprus or abroad).• Scholarly activity to strengthen the link between education and research is encouraged.• Τhe teaching staff publications are within the discipline.• Teaching staff studies and publications are closely related to the programme’s courses.