Seasonal farmworker definition

Seasonal farmworker means an individual who is employed, or was employed in the past 12 months, in farmwork of a seasonal or other tem- porary nature.
Seasonal farmworker means a person who, during a 12 consecutive month period within the preceding 24-month period, was employed at least 25 days in farmwork (work performed for wages in agricultural production or agricultural services as defined in the most recent edition of the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code definitions included in industries 01, 02 (excluding 027), and 07 (excluding 074, 0752m and 078) or earned at least $400 in farmwork, and who has been primarily employed in farmwork on a seasonal basis without a constant year-round salary.
Seasonal farmworker means a person who, during the preceding 12 months, worked at least one month in farmwork, earned at least half of his/her earned income from seasonal farmwork, and was not employed in farmwork year-round by the same employer. Full-time students are excluded from this definition..

Examples of Seasonal farmworker in a sentence

  • Seasonal farmworker means a person who during the preceding 12 months worked at least an aggregate of 25 or more days or parts of days in which some work was performed in farmwork, earned at least half of his/her earned income from farmwork, and was not employed in farmwork year round by the same employer.

  • Seasonal farmworker (GP-A.74) – An individual employed in agricultural employment of a seasonal or temporary nature.

  • Early Head Start has a strong track record of reaching rural communities and there are dedicated programs for American Indian Alaskan Native and Migrant and Seasonal farmworker families.

More Definitions of Seasonal farmworker

Seasonal farmworker means any person who, for an agreed remuneration or rate of pay, performs temporary labor for another to work in the production of farm products or planting, cul- tivating or harvesting of seasonal agricultural crops or in the forestation or reforestation of lands, including but not limited to, the planting, transplanting, tubing, pre-commercial thinning and thinning of trees and seedlings, the clearing, piling and disposal of brush and slash and other related activities.
Seasonal farmworker means a person whose primary employment was in farmwork on a temporary or seasonal basis (that is, not a constant year-round activity) for a period of at least 75 days within the past 24 months.
Seasonal farmworker means an individual who
Seasonal farmworker means a per- son who, within the past 24 months, was employed for at least 75 days in farmwork, and whose primary employ- ment was in farmwork on a temporary or seasonal basis (that is, not a con- stant year-round activity).
Seasonal farmworker. ’ means a person who during
Seasonal farmworker means a person who, within the past 24 months, was employed for at least 75 days in farmwork, and whose primary employment was in farmwork on a temporary or seasonal basis (that is, not a constant year-round activity).
Seasonal farmworker means a p erso n who, within the past 24 months, w as employed for at least 100 days in fa rm w o rk , and whose primary