Examples of Section 106 Monitoring Officer in a sentence
The report included a summary of the high priority cases, an update on enforcement activity through the year and brief details of the work of the Section 106 Monitoring Officer and what had been achieved.
RECOMMENDED that Council approve the use of Community Infrastructure Levy - derived funds to create the new position – Community Infrastructure Levy and Section 106 Monitoring Officer.
The Section 106 Monitoring Officer presented the report as detailed in the agenda and explained the changes made in the process for monitoring and notifying ward members of monies spent within their area.
The Section 106 Monitoring Officer referred to the legal agreement and confirmed the working of the contribution and for the purpose it was secured.Following a request from Councillor Graham Oakes the Section 106 Monitoring Officer was uncertain of the education rates but would investigate and inform him direct.
The Director (BA) presented the report which sought approval to establish a new, second, permanent position of Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) and Section 106 Monitoring Officer in City Development.
The Section 106 Monitoring Officer felt it fair and reasonable to allow the application to modify the agreement in order to reflect the reduced number of units and therefore recommended approval of this application as set out in the agenda report.
The Section 106 Monitoring Officer presented the report informing members that this DPO (Discharge of Planning Application) had been made in order to vary the S106 agreement to recalculate pro-rata the Leisure Facilities Contribution in-line with the reduced dwelling numbers already approved as part of the reserved matters.
In response to comments and queries from members, the Section 106 Monitoring Officer reported that: He had been assured that a transport scheme in the Blackmore Vale Ward had been signed off and the developer had written a statement confirming they would not seek to retrieve the contribution already made, but as yet unused.
The Section 106 Monitoring Officer presented his report to the Committee, advising that the application sought to modify the S106 agreement which had been based upon 14 dwellings at the site at outline stage.
Neil Waddleton, Section 106 Monitoring Officer updated members in response to concerns raised at last month’s meeting regarding the provision of a new length ofpavement at St Thomas Cross in Yeovil.