Examples of Planning Obligations in a sentence
Planning Obligations Members must be satisfied that any planning obligations to be secured by way of an agreement or undertaking pursuant to Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 are necessary to make the development acceptable in planning terms.
CS13 - Development Contributions to Infrastructure ProvisionContributions should be secured in accordance with the Planning Obligations Implementation Scheme SPD (POIS).
The briefing of members as to the outcome of individual Planning Obligations together with the total sums collected within the year will help inform and assure members of the accounting probity and monitoring that is being followed by officers.
It provides a summary of all Planning Obligations (Section 106 Agreements/Unilateral Undertakings/Supplemental Deeds) that have been secured as part of the determination of planning applications in accordance with adopted policy of the Council.
The flexible elements are the cost of land and the amount of developer contribution (CIL and Planning Obligations) sought by the Local Authority.