Secure definition

Secure means to render unusable, unreadable or indecipherable to unauthorized individuals through the use of a technology or methodology specified by the Secretary in the guidance issued under section 13402(h)(2) of the HITECH Act.
Secure means to prevent and prohibit access, electronic upload, transmission, or transfer of an image.
Secure means to take steps that a reasonable person would take to ensure a dog remains on the owner ’s property, including confining the dog in an enclosure that is capable of preventing the escape or release of the dog.

Examples of Secure in a sentence

  • The policy or policies of insurance must be issued by an insurer with a minimum rating of A- (Secure A.M. Best's Rating) and VIII (Financial Size Category as determined by the most current edition of the Best's Key Rating Guide/Property-Casualty/United States or

  • Eligible Users may revoke Access to Secure State Facilities, Data, and Technology granted in the event of any negative results.

  • Eligible Users will determine in its discretion if such person’s Access to Secure State Facilities, State Data, or Technology shall remain in effect.

  • Each employee of Contractor or a Subcontractor who will have Access to Secure State Facilities, State Data, or Technology must be fingerprinted by the Eligible User or local law enforcement a minimum of one week prior to needing access.

  • Depending on the Eligible User’s policy, each employee of Contractor and Subcontractor may be required to successfully complete a Federal Criminal Background Check, prior to being granted Access to Secure State Facilities, State Data, or Technology.

More Definitions of Secure

Secure. --Secure disposal means destruction of the record that ensures the information cannot be reconstructed or retrieved, and includes, for example, incineration, maceration, shredding, pulping, or secure electronic destruction, for example, overwriting, degaussing or physical destruction of the storage media. Shred or otherwise render unreadable records with confidential information, including records containing social security numbers, credit card information, drivers’ license numbers, patient treatment information, or other information as designated by an information steward.
Secure in this context means using a modern browser or a tool like curl that verifies SSL certificates when downloading from https URLs.
Secure means that: (1) all doors and windows are closed and secured
Secure means a secure covering shall be placed over all doors and windows which are within fifteen feet of the exterior grade, consisting of one-half inch thick plywood attached to the framing of all such doors and windows by wood screws of a minimum length of one and one-half inches, placed twelve inches on center. Such plywood shall be painted with a minimum of two coats of oil-based exterior paint. In order to be considered secure, a property must also be in compliance with all requirements of the Minerva Codified Ordinances.
Secure means stored in a place that is inaccessible to the public and protected in a reasonable manner.
Secure means to lock out or otherwise restrict access to unauthorized personnel.
Secure means encrypted in a manner that meets or exceeds