Business Facility definition
Examples of Business Facility in a sentence
Tenant shall cooperate fully with Landlord or its designee in transferring or obtaining all necessary licenses and certifications for Landlord or its designee, and Tenant shall comply with all requests for an orderly transfer of the Business, Facility licenses, and Medicare and Medicaid certifications and possession at the time of its surrender of the Premises to Landlord or its designee.
This is demonstrated through the following criteria: Commitment to the hiring of local residents and hiring of local contractors for work and improvements to its Business Facility Address, and commitment to long-term investment in the community through the redevelopment of vacant, blighted, or abandoned property in the community.
Some of the information in these tables will require more detailed information which can be filled out in tables C through H.
The taxpayer cannot claim both the Major Business Facility Job Tax Credit, the Coalfield Employment Enhancement Tax Credit, the Green Job Creation Tax Credit, or the International Trade Facility Tax Credit.A qualified business firm receiving an Enterprise Zone Job Creation Grant under Va. Code § 59.1-547 shall not be eligible to receive a Major Business Facility Job Tax Credit for any job that was used to qualify for the Enterprise Zone Job Creation Grant.
Points for long-term community investment and re-development shall be awarded based on the Percentage Occupancy of the Business Facility Address.