Examples of Senate Research Committee in a sentence
Research Office: All graduate student project or thesis proposals which involve human subjects or animals must be approved by the Senate Research Committee before any data can be collected.
Application for renewal shall be on the recommendation of the Senate Research Committee to the President, or designate.
The Senate Research Committee, subject to the conditions below, shall determine the composition and working procedures of the Selection Committee.
Students whose project or thesis involves collecting data from human subjects must complete an application for ethics review by the Senate Research Committee.
Employees who receive a release under this Article shall submit a report to the Senate Research Committee on the research activity that was facilitated by the release within twelve (12) months of having taken the release.
All BUREC members are to be appointed by the Senate Research Committee.
Research CommitteeThe Academic Senate Research Committee aids faculty doing institutional research; acts as a resource to the Senate in matters of institutional research; performs institutional research under the direction of the Academic Senate Governing Council.
All Employees shall be eligible to apply for allocations from this fund in accordance with the policies and procedures developed by the Vice-President (Academic and Research) in consultation with the Senate Research Committee.
The Faculty Senate Research Committee (FSRC) recognizes that outside support is less accessible in some disciplines than in others but encourages applicants to investigate funding opportunities and to apply for external funding whenever possible.
The criteria for exceptions and the recommendation and decision procedures shall be formulated and monitored by the Faculty Senate Research Committee, and approved by the Faculty Senate.