Series 2007B Bonds definition

Series 2007B Bonds means the $31,200,000 original principal amount City of Spartanburg, South Carolina Water System Revenue Bonds, Series 2007B.
Series 2007B Bonds means the Issuer’s Health Care and Independent Living Facilities Variable Rate Demand Revenue Bonds, Series 2007B (Eliza Jennings Senior Care Network Project).
Series 2007B Bonds means the Series of Parking Revenue Bonds, Series 2007B (Taxable), in the original aggregate principal amount of $[2007B Principal Amount], issued, authenticated and delivered by the Issuer under and pursuant to the Original Indenture and this Supplemental Indenture No. 2. If the Series 2007B Bonds are held in a Book-Entry System, any reference to the Series 2007B Bonds shall, if it is appropriate in the context in which the term isused, be a reference to the beneficial interests in the Series 2007B Bonds.

Examples of Series 2007B Bonds in a sentence

  • Interest on the Series 2007B Bonds and the Series 2007C Bonds will not be payable currently and will accrete from the delivery date and be compounded on June 1, 2008 and thereafter on each December 1 and June 1 until maturity or earlier redemption.

  • No payments will be made with respect to first subordinate bonds, including the Series 2007B Bonds, before all senior bonds, including the Series 2007A Bonds, are paid or redeemed in full.

  • The 2007A and 2007B total return swaps are structured in a receive variable, pay variable rate mode and hedge the cash flows associated with the Series 2007A Bonds and Series 2007B Bonds.

  • As the Series 2007A Bonds and Series 2007B Bonds are not actively trading, to replicate the fair value of these bonds, the prices were implied by applying a credit spread adjustment based on bonds with similar terms and similar issuers that are trading in active markets.

  • No payments will be made with respect to second subordinate bonds, including the Series 2007C Bonds, before all senior bonds, including the Series 2007A Bonds and the first subordinate bonds, including the Series 2007B Bonds, are paid or redeemed in full.

More Definitions of Series 2007B Bonds

Series 2007B Bonds is defined in Section 3.01(a).
Series 2007B Bonds means the $102,250,000 original principal amount of Variable Rate Demand System Facilities Refunding Revenue Bonds, Series 2007B, of the University authorized and issued pursuant to the Series 2007 Resolution.
Series 2007B Bonds means the $15,000,000 Airport System PFC Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2007B.
Series 2007B Bonds means the Authority’s outstanding Industrial Development Revenue Bonds (Riverside Horizons Infrastructure ProjectCity of Riverside, Missouri), Series 2007B, issued in the original principal amount of $10,000,000.
Series 2007B Bonds means the Capital Improvement Revenue Bonds, Series 2007B (Student Union Project) described in Schedule A hereto.
Series 2007B Bonds means the City’s Taxable Tax Increment Refunding Revenue Bonds, Series 2007B (8300 Eager Road Project - Phase 2) in the aggregate principal amount of $13,185,000.
Series 2007B Bonds means the Commission's Bridge System Revenue Bonds, Series 2007B, issued in the aggregate principal amount of up to $150,000,000.