Examples of Series 2013A Bonds in a sentence
The national standard is 1.5 tests per 1,000 people per day, so 1,500 tests per day is adequate testing, and Pima County does more than 1,500 per day.▪ Pima County has given approximately 45,000 BinaxNOW home test kits out.
RRMC entered into the swap agreement with the objective of reducing its exposure to future variability in interest rates on the Series 2013A Bonds by effectively fixing the interest rate thereon at 4.068 percent.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, at the request of the purchaser, the Series 2013A Bonds will be issued as one single fully-registered bond and not issued through the book-entry system.
The terms of this swap agreement were revised on September 17, 2013, with this issuance of the Series 2013A Bonds.
On February 5, 2020, the Entity issued special obligation revenue bonds to advance refund the 2038 maturity of the Series 2013A Bonds and finance certain costs of the refunding transaction.