Examples of Settlement Arrangement in a sentence
According to the Pre-bankruptcy Settlement Arrangement, SKDD registered in its system the change in the bond type designation of the issuer from OPTE-O-142A, ISIN:HROPTEO142A5, into a debt security with multiple maturities and the share of notional principal amount outstanding of HRK 0.30 per bond.
The Deferred Settlement Arrangement represents the obligation towards the Competition Commission for previously negotiated settlements.
In addition, the Shift Manager, during off normal hours, assumes responsibility for all plant functions in the absence of senior plant management.
If any invoice or portion of an invoice is disputed in good faith or cannot be timely verified and approved for payment, such invoice or portion of such invoice shall not be held for payment under the Net Settlement Arrangement, provided that an invoice that is partially verified or disputed shall be included in the Net Settlement Arrangement to the extent that it is verified or undisputed.
Debt Settlement Arrangementpermitted once only.56.— A debtor may enter into a Debt Settlement Arrangement once only.
DSA Variation (Subsection 82 (9)) Where the variation of a Debt Settlement Arrangement is rejected under subsection (7), the personal insolvency practitioner shall as soon as practicable notify the Insolvency Service and each creditor concerned of the fact.
Big Lake Schools District Office Attn: Applications501 Minnesota Ave Big Lake MN 55309 ATTENDANCE The school board believes that regular school attendance is directly related to success in academic work, benefits students socially, provides opportunities for important communications between teachers and students, and establishes regular habits of dependability important to the future of the student.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, each party agrees to use every reasonable effort to achieve the objective of timely verification of invoices in order to permit payment of such invoices pursuant to the terms of this Contract in the month following the Transaction Month and no dispute or lack of verification shall excuse participation in the Net Settlement Arrangement.
For purposes of this Net Settlement Arrangement (defined below), Agreements shall not include contracts in the nature of division orders.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, each party agrees to use every reasonable effort to achieve the objective of timely verification of invoices in order to permit payment of such invoices pursuant to the terms of this Agreement in the month following the Transaction Month and no dispute or lack of verification shall excuse participation in the Net Settlement Arrangement.