Examples of Settlement Factor in a sentence
If the Company’s TSR for the Performance Cycle is negative, the Performance Settlement Factor used to calculate the Award payment shall not exceed the Target amount set forth in Section B of Exhibit A.
We discuss the requirements for this property in Section 3.1.4.Finally, we refer to partitions that only contain dependencies between application chares as application partitions.
The deliverables for this review will include the following documents: • The inception Report: The inception report should detail the evaluators’ understanding of what is being evaluated and why, showing how each evaluation question will be answered by way of: proposed methods, proposed sources of data and data collection procedures.
Delivery Service Revenues: Delivery Service Revenues include revenues based upon the rates and charges specified in Section VIII of the Tariff and exclude adjustments to rates and charges such as: the Power Supply Charge, Distributed Energy Resources Cost Recovery Rate, New York State Assessment Factor, Shoreham Property Tax Settlement Factor, Visual Benefits Assessment Rate, Charges to Recovery PILOT Payments, the Revenue Decoupling Mechanism, and the Undergrounding Charge.
In his speech of November 13, 1974, at the United Nations Assembly, Yasir Arafat, head of the PLO terrorist group, tried to equate his murderous organization to the American people in their struggle for liberation from the British colonists.
Xxxxxxxx Title: Senior Vice President General Counsel and Secretary The Performance Settlement Factor used to determine the amount payable under the Performance Unit Award described in the attached Performance Unit Grant Award Agreement, dated as of February 17, 2021, between Service Corporation International, a Texas corporation (the “Company” or “SCI”), and all of its Affiliates and the Employee, shall be calculated as provided in this Exhibit A.
Delivery Service Revenues: Delivery Service Revenues include revenues based upon the rates and charges specified in Section VIII of the Tariff and exclude adjustments to rates and charges such as: the Fuel and Purchased Power Cost Adjustment RatePower Supply Charge, Distributed Energy Resources Cost Recovery Rate, New York State Assessment Factor, Shoreham Property Tax Settlement Factor, Visual Benefits Assessment Rate, Charges to Recovery PILOT Payments, and the Revenue Decoupling Mechanism.
Delivery Service Revenues: Delivery Service Revenues include revenues based upon the rates and charges specified in Section VIII of the Tariff and exclude adjustments to rates and charges such as: the Power Supply Charge, Distributed Energy Resources Cost Recovery Rate, New York State Assessment Factor, Shoreham Property Tax Settlement Factor, Visual Benefits Assessment Rate, Charges to Recovery PILOT Payments, and the Revenue Decoupling Mechanism, Local Property Tax Charge, and Revenue Tax Charge.
Generally, tax returns and tax return information are confidential, as required by 26 U.S.C. 6103.BackgroundThis document adds a new part 157, Ex- cise Tax on Structured Settlement Factor- ing Transactions, to title 26 of the Code of Federal Regulations.
The associated Average Change in RPP Settlement Factor is also presented, which describes the amount by which supply prices will need to increase for all RPP consumers in subsequent price-setting periods to recover the estimated under-recovered revenue.The Average Annual Peak Demand Reduction provides an estimate of the expected shift in annual Ontario peak demand.Two bill impacts are shown.