Examples of Fitch Discount Factor in a sentence
If a security is not rated by Fitch but is rated by two other Rating Agencies, then the lower of the ratings on the security from the two other Rating Agencies will be used to determine the Fitch Discount Factor (e.g., where the S&P rating is A- and the Moody's rating is Baa1, a Fitch rating of BBB+ will be used).
If a security is not rated by Fitch but is rated by only one other NRSRO, then the rating on the security from the other NRSRO will be used to determine the Fitch Discount Factor (e.g., where the only rating on a security is an S&P rating of AAA, a Fitch rating of AAA will be used, and where the only rating on a security is a Moody's rating of Ba3, a Fitch rating of BB- will be used).
If a security is not rated by Fitch but is rated by two other Rating Agencies, then the lower of the rati ngs on the security from the two other Rating Agencies will be used to determine the Fitch Discount Factor (e.g., where the S&P rating is A- and the Moody's rating is Baa1, a Fitch rating of BBB+ will be used).
If a security is not rated by Fitch but is rated by two other Rating Agencies, then the lower of the ratings on the security from the two other Rating Agencies will be used to determine the Fitch Discount Factor (e.g., where the S&P rating is A- and the M oody's rating is Baa1, a Fitch rating of BBB + will be used ).
In addition, students must demonstrate competence in the fabrication of a thermoplastic mold and custom immobi- lize action device for the thorax or abdomen/pelvis.Dosimetry: The ARRT identifies 6 dosimetry competency categories related to computerized treatment planning, photon beam calculations, and electron beam calculations.