Sewer facilities definition

Sewer facilities means all aspects of an existing or proposed sewer system, including sewer lines and all related facilities.
Sewer facilities means all interceptors, pressure pumps, valves, sumps, heating and electrical facilities, manholes, guards and other features required for an operating, piped sewage collection system.
Sewer facilities or “Sanitary Sewer” means public facilities that convey and treat human waste, including, but not limited to, pipes, interceptor sewers, wastewater treatment works, Truckee Meadows Water Reclamation Facility (TMWRF), pumping plants and sewer outfalls. (Ord. 2420, Add, 01/26/2009)

Examples of Sewer facilities in a sentence

  • Sewer facilities are designed and rates are based on the basis of population served or demand.

  • In order to preserve the Town’s fixed asset base and ensure that Water and Sewer facilities, and equipment efficiently and effectively support the Town’s programs and operations, the Town should provide consistent and stable funding sources for the timely and periodic renewal and/or replacement of water/sewer infrastructure, vehicles and equipment.

  • The Contractor shall notify the Sewer Facility in writing, with a copy to the Engineer, at least 14 Calendar Days before beginning Work within 10 feet of the Sewer facilities.

  • Sewer facilities shall be installed in rights of way except in those situations where, in the determination of the City Engineer, drainage basins can not be served from the right of way.

  • Water and Sewer facilities are designed per the Oregon State Health Department, Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), and the American Public Works Association (APWA) standards.

More Definitions of Sewer facilities

Sewer facilities means and in- clude the sanitary sewerage collection systems owned and operated by the City and all appurte- nances thereto, and all portions thereof.
Sewer facilities. (or "sewer system") means any property or facilities belonging to the City used in the transportation or disposal of wastewater, or sludge, and treatment reclamation and reuse facilities belonging to the Orange County Sanitation District or other public authority.
Sewer facilities means the capital facilities identified in the 2018 Sewer Impact Fee Facilities Plan dated June 2018.
Sewer facilities means any one or more of
Sewer facilities means and include the sanitary and storm sewage collection systems owned and operated by the City, all appurtenances thereto, and all portions thereof. (o) “Sewer lateral” or “lateral” shall mean a sewer pipe that conveys sewage from plumbing of building or structure to a City maintained sewer main, also referred to as "building sewer" in the Uniform Plumbing Code. (p) "Sewer” or "sewer main,” when used herein, means any city-owned sewer pipe within a city street or public right-of-way receiving or intended to receive the discharges of more than one sewer lateral. No sewer main constructed henceforth shall be less than eight inches in diameter nor be laid or constructed in any city street, easement or right-of-way or street, easement or right-of-way under the control of the city, except to the lines, grades, and specifications approved by the City Engineer.
Sewer facilities means and include the sanitary and storm sewage collection system owned and operated by the City, all appurtenances thereto, and all portions thereof.
Sewer facilities means the alterations, changes, lines, equipment, improvements, structures, additions and work described in the Sewer Plans and Specifications.