Examples of Shell building in a sentence
A discussion of the distribution of household debt by, for example, income, occupation, geography, loan source and loan purpose is provided.
The Leader considered the report which sought approval to award a contract to Ark Build PLC up to the value of £721,629.41 to undertake Core and Shell building works, including strip out, internal structures and M&E works to 9th Floor Alexandra House, Wood Green under contract standing order 9.01.2f (use of Framework Agreement) and 9.07.1.d. (contracts awarded by Cabinet).
The Core and Shell building works outlined in this report referred to, are the vital 1st stage of a four-stage project to relocate and expand the CCTV monitoring and capture capabilities thereby providing greater assistance to enforcement and Police Services within Haringey.
Shell building permit service fees are 80% of the cost of new construction and have the cost represented by H2.
In 2008, the Trapese Collective (2008: 3) published a booklet The Rocky Road to a Real Transition, launching a debate on the type of transition the movement aims for: “to where, and from what?” The authors refer to a transition group that was reluctant to support another local group in Rossport (Ireland) struggling ‘against’ Shell building a high-pressure gas pipeline through their community.