Examples of Shift operator in a sentence
Be that as it may, the definition in (102) has the advantage of yielding a simple and elegant treatment of Action Role Shift, with Logical Forms such as (106)a: because the Role Shift operator triggers an individual abstraction, the role-shifted clause can take an individual argument.
Second, in Section 5 we posit that the Role Shift operator comes with a (possibly pragmatic) requirement of maximal iconicity, and we show how this derives the main results we have seen.Before we develop our analysis, it is worth pausing to revisit some LSF contrasts that remained mysterious in Part I.
Furthermore, we employ obfuscation operators as a logical representa- tion of the physical transformations realized by different obfuscation tech- niques: i) the Enlarge operator (E) degrades the accuracy of an initial location area by enlarging its radius; ii) the Shift operator (S) degrades the accuracy of an initial location area by shifting its center; and iii) the Reduce operator (R) degrades the accuracy of an initial location area by reducing its radius.
Specifically, we detail three types of operators, corresponding to the cases where one asks for either removal of critical values (Merge operator), duplication of critical values (Split operator), or translation of critical values (Shift operator).
Be that as it may, the definition in (83) has the advantage of yielding a simple and elegant treatment of Action Role Shift, with Logical Forms such as (87)a: because the Role Shift operator triggers an individual abstraction, the role-shifted clause can take an individual argument.