Signaling System 7 (SS7) means a signaling protocol used by the CCS Network.
Signaling System 7 (SS7 means a signaling protocol used by the CCS Network.
Signal means any transmission of radio frequency energy or of optical information.
Reactivation means the process whereby an inactive licensee obtains a current license.
Connectivity means the provision of a Permanent Separated Bicycle Lane system that reflects desired routes between all major origins and destinations in the city.
Switch means a switching device employed by a Carrier within the Public Switched Network. Switch includes but is not limited to End Office Switches, Tandem Switches, Access Tandem Switches, Remote Switching Modules, and Packet Switches. Switches may be employed as a combination of End Office/Tandem Switches. "Switched Access Service" means the offering of transmission and switching services to Interexchange Carriers for the purpose of the origination or termination of telephone toll service. Switched Access Services include: Feature Group A, Feature Group B, Feature Group D, 8XX access, and 900 access and their successors or similar Switched Access Services. "Switched Access Traffic" is traffic that originates at one of the Party's End User Customers and terminates at an IXC Point of Presence, or originates at an IXC Point of Presence and terminates at one of the Party's End User Customers, whether or not the traffic transits the other Party's network.
Common Channel Signaling (CCS) means an out-of-band, packet-switched, signaling network used to transport supervision signals, control signals, and data messages. It is a special network, fully separate from the transmission path of the public switched network. Unless otherwise agreed by the Parties, the CCS protocol used by the Parties shall be SS7.
Switchover means transfer of units of one scheme of UTI MF to another scheme of UTI MF wherever permissible.
PNode has the meaning set forth in the CAISO Tariff.
Propagation means the reproduction of Regulated Marijuana plants by seeds, cuttings, or grafting.
Router means a modem or router provided by us for use by you in connection with the Broadband Service.
Sensor means any measurement device that is not part of the vehicle itself but installed to determine parameters other than the concentration of gaseous and particle pollutants and the exhaust mass flow.
Filter means material placed in the useful beam to preferentially absorb selected radiations.
Interconnector means equipment used to link the electricity system of the State to electricity systems outside of the State;
Trunk means a communication line between two switching systems.
Common Channel Signaling (CCS) means an out-of-band, packet-switched, signaling network used to transport supervision signals, control signals, and data messages. It is a special network, fully separate from the transmission path of the public switched network. Unless otherwise agreed by the Parties, the CCS protocol used by the Parties shall be SS7.
911 system means the set of network, database and customer premise equipment (CPE) components required to provide 911 service.
Network Area means the 50 mile radius around the local school campus the Named Insured is attending.
InterMTA Traffic means traffic to or from WSP’s network that originates in one MTA and terminates in another MTA (as determined by the geographic location of the cell site to which the mobile End User is connected).
Ethernet means a family of computer networking technologies for LANs.
Area network means a type of electric distribution system served by multiple transformers interconnected in an electrical network circuit, generally used in large, densely populated metropolitan areas.
Reception means a social gathering. Receptions are often held for the purpose of extending a ceremonial or formal welcome and may include private or public meetings during which guests are honored or welcomed. Food and beverages are often provided, but not as a plated, sit-down meal.
Deactivation means the retirement or mothballing of a generating unit governed by Tariff, Part V.
Bandwidth means a distributor’s defined tolerance used to flag data for further scrutiny at the stage in the VEE process where a current reading is compared to a reading from an equivalent historical billing period. For example, a 30 percent bandwidth means a current reading that is either 30 percent lower or 30 percent higher than the measurement from an equivalent historical billing period will be identified by the VEE process as requiring further scrutiny and verification;
Generation means the production of electricity;
functionality means the ability of a tenderer to provide goods or services in accordance with specifications as set out in the tender documents.