Examples of SINGLE PARAGRAPH in a sentence
SINGLE PARAGRAPH: In exercising this responsibility, the Commission shall consider whether the country of export or of origin, as appropriate, requires or might require proof of injury, threat of injury or material retardation caused to Venezuelan exports.
SINGLE PARAGRAPH: In investigating the injury, imports coming from or originating in two or more countries may be cumulated to assess the effect of these imports on domestic industry, if the imports from the countries in question have been the subject of an anti-dumping or subsidy investigation during the year prior to the date of the initiation of the corresponding anti-dumping or subsidy procedure.
SINGLE PARAGRAPH: It shall be considered an indication that the exporter has paid the anti-dumping or countervailing duties if there is no increase in the selling price to the first independent buyer of the good subject to anti-dumping or countervailing duties in an amount equivalent to the duties, unless it is proved that the absence of any increase in the selling price is due to a reduction in costs or in the importers' profits from the product concerned.
SINGLE PARAGRAPH: In the case of agricultural products for which the country of origin has granted subsidies whose nature, amount and effects can be determined on the basis of official publications and budgets of the country concerned, the Commission shall impose provisional countervailing duties to offset the margin of the subsidy fixed, as soon as it receives the relevant information.
SINGLE PARAGRAPH - The private Switched Wireline Telephone Service, in adjacent and bordering areas, in accordance with Anatel Regulations, and pursuant to the provisions in General Licensing Plan, is included in the object of this Authorization.
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SINGLE PARAGRAPH - The declaration of extinction shall not annul the application of the suitable sanctions, according to the stipulations in this Statement of Authorization as a result of violations committed by the AUTHORIZED PARTY.
SINGLE PARAGRAPH - The procedures stipulated in the Regulations regarding the Procedures for Material and Equipment Acquisition and Service Engagement by Telecommunications Carriers, approved by Anatel Resolution No. 155, dated August 5, 1999.
SINGLE PARAGRAPH - The above request shall only be denied if the requesting party is not making rational and adequate use of the radio frequencies, if it has committed repeat violations in its activities or if the intended use of the radio frequency must be modified.
SINGLE PARAGRAPH - The private Personal Mobile Service, in accordance with Anatel Regulations, and especially pursuant to the stipulations in the SMP Regulations and the General SMP Authorizations Plan, is included in the object of this Authorization.