Sixth Day definition
Examples of Sixth Day in a sentence
DONE at Cha-am, Thailand, this Twenty Sixth Day of February in the Year Two Thousand and Nine, in a single original copy in the English Language.
Occurring on the Sixth Day Worked in an Employee’s Studio Workweek: Three (3) times the scheduled Regular Basic Hourly Rate.
The Sixth Day is any sixth (6th) day worked within the scheduled work week and shall be paid at time and one-half (1.5X) for the first eight (8) hours worked, double-time (2X) for hours nine (9) through fifteen (15) inclusive, and triple-time (3X) for the sixteenth (16th) hour and all hours worked thereafter.
Occurring on the Sixth Day Worked in an Employee's Workweek: Three (3) times the scheduled Regular Basic Hourly Rate.
On This The Sixth Day Of the Year Two Thousand Four, In Nine Originals In The English Language All Texts Being Equally Authentic.
Occurring on the Sixth Day Worked in an Employee's Studio Workweek: Three (3) times the scheduled Regular Basic Hourly Rate.
Fixed Term Exclusion & Sixth Day Provision A student can be excluded for one or more fixed periods which, when aggregated, do not exceed a total of 45 school days in any one school year.
Day 1 through 5: Hours Worked 0 - 8 Hours Rate 1X Basic Rate 9, 10, 11, 12 1.5X Basic Rate 13, 14, 15 2X Basic Rate 16 plus 3X Basic Rate Sixth Day Worked: 0 - 8 Hours 9 - 15 (Incl.) 1.5X Basic Rate 2X Basic Rate 16 plus 3X Basic Rate Seventh Day Worked: Holiday Worked: 0 - 8 Hours 9 Plus See Article 6.06.
So, to better illustrate the subject, we suggest you watch the excerpt from the documentary The Common Good, produced by Carole Poliquin (2002), specifically the Sixth Day, which begins around 49 minutes and 23 seconds and goesup to 55 minutes and 34 seconds, in, and then we get back.
Day 1 through 5: Hours Worked 0 - 8 Hours Rate 1X Basic Rate 9, 10, 11, 12 1.5X Basic Rate 13, 14, 15 16 plus 2X Basic Rate 3X Basic Rate Sixth Day Worked: 0 - 8 Hours 9 - 15 (Incl.) 16 plus 1.5X Basic Rate 2X Basic Rate 3X Basic Rate Seventh Day Worked: 0 - 8 Hours 9 Plus 2X Basic Rate 3X Basic Rate Holiday Worked: See Article 6.06.