Slum Dweller definition

Slum Dweller. – means any person residing within the limits of a slum area.
Slum Dweller means any landless person in occupation within the limits of a slum area;
Slum Dweller means any person who is a Permanent Resident of the State of Jammu and Kashmir and is residing within the limits of a slum area ;

Examples of Slum Dweller in a sentence

  • However, Applicant being eligible Slum Dweller is entitled for the commercial premises having area admeasuring 225 Sq Ft and with regards to same Respondent No. 2 have already executed Agreement for Permanent Alternate Accommodation and further also ready to registered the same in the office of Sub Registrar of Assurance.8. As far as the extra area of 375 Sq ft is concerned, Respondent No. 2 will provide the said area from Sale Component to the Applicant.

  • Community based Organisations such as Mission Shakti Groups and Slum Dweller Associations have been involved for project planning and execution under MUKTA.

  • Box 1: From the roots up - community capacity for sanitation change in India4,5In several Indian cities, Slum Dweller Federations and Mahila Milan (federations of savings groups formed by women living on the streets and in informal settlements) have been able to engage with local governments to secure support for building toilets and other construction and upgrading activities.

  • The Emissions Calculation Design Basis and the Emission Estimates are included as Attachment 1-5.

  • Instead, the amendments contemplate that the tribe or Indian nation will allocate the coupons among reservation cigarette sellers or, alternatively, redeem the coupons itself from a state- licensed wholesaler.

  • However, the specific responsibility of RO will be to mobilize the slum communities and activate the Slum Dweller Associations (SDA), develop a system for maintenance of records and provide handholding support for opening of bank accounts, enabling them to function as a grassroots level organization independently.

  • Until those excluded by profit driven urbanisation can directly participate in such forums, the Slum Dweller International clarion call ‘not about us without us’ will remain a myth for the marginalised in Botswana.

  • Slum Dweller Associations were formed in different slums to participate in the process of planning and decision making.

  • While the risk of major wars might have declined since 1945,13 the prospect of a new era of resource 10 Johan Harri, ‘Don’t Call it Climate Change – it’s Chaos’, The Independent, 15 November 2005.11 John Vidal, ‘Every Third Person Will Be a Slum Dweller within 30 Years, UN Agency Warns’, The Guardian,4 October 2003.12 See Susan Buck-Morss, Dreamworld and Catastrophe.

  • The federations are presently organized on the basis of cities ( e.g. the Pune Slum Dweller Federation) or on the basis of the ownership of land that groups of slums presently occupy.

More Definitions of Slum Dweller

Slum Dweller means any person who has been residing within the limits of a slum area for a minimum period of one year;
Slum Dweller means a Bonafide Himachali landless person, who is a citizen of India in occupation and residing continuously in the slum area;

Related to Slum Dweller

  • semi-detached dwelling means a building divided vertically into two dwelling units each of which has a separate entrance and access to grade;

  • single detached dwelling means a completely detached Building containing only one Dwelling Unit;

  • Single-family dwelling unit means a structure that is usually occupied by just one household or family and for the purposes of this Policy is expected to generate an average of 250 gallons per day of wastewater.

  • Residential Dwelling Unit means any portion of a building that contains living facilities, including a room or rooms in a facility that have shared cooking, bathing, toilet, or laundry facilities such as dormitories, shelters, assisted living facilities, and boarding homes. "Residential dwelling unit" also means facilities that include provisions for sleeping, cooking, bathing, and toilet facilities for one or more persons and are used for extended stays, such as time-shares and extended-stay motels. "Residential dwelling unit" does not mean a guest room in a motel or hotel.

  • dwelling house means any residential property assessed as real

  • Interior of the dwelling unit means the inside of the dwelling unit, consisting of interior walls,

  • Apartment Dwelling means any dwelling unit within a building containing more than four dwelling units where the units are connected by an interior corridor;

  • Multi-family dwelling means a structure that contains more than one separate dwelling unit, which is used, or occupied, or intended to be used or occupied, in whole, or in part as the home or residence of one or more persons.

  • Residential Dwelling Any one of the following: (i) a detached one-family dwelling, (ii) a detached two- to four-family dwelling, (iii) a one-family dwelling unit in a Xxxxxx Xxx eligible condominium project, (iv) a manufactured home, or (v) a detached one-family dwelling in a planned unit development, none of which is a co-operative or mobile home.

  • new dwelling means, for the purposes of the definition of “second authority” and paragraphs 91, 98 and 103, the dwelling to which an applicant has moved, or is about to move, in which the applicant will be resident;

  • Open type traction battery means a type of battery requiring liquid and generating hydrogen gas released to the atmosphere.

  • street furniture ’ means public facilities and structures which are not intended primarily for advertising and includes but is not limited to seating benches, planters, bins, pole mounted bins, bus shelters, sidewalk clocks, drinking fountains, Telkom boxes, traffic signal controllers, electricity boxes, post boxes and telephone booths, but excludes road traffic signs, traffic signals, street lights or any other road-related structures;

  • Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater means the most recent edition of Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater published jointly by the American Public Health Association, the American Waterworks Association and the Water Environment Federation;

  • Single-family dwelling means a private residence provided with sleeping and cooking facilities intended for domestic use and in which the occupants live as a single housekeeping unit that is not part of a Multiple Dwelling;

  • Contract feeder means a person who as an independent contractor, feeds commercial feed to animals pursuant to a contract whereby such commercial feed is supplied, furnished or otherwise provided to such person and whereby such person’s remuneration is determined all or in part by feed consumption, mortality, profits or amount or quality of product.

  • Manufactured dwelling park means a place where four or more manufactured dwellings

  • Loose-fitting facepiece means a respiratory inlet covering that is designed to form a partial seal with the face.

  • private dwelling means any part of a structure that is occupied as a residence, or any part of a structure or outdoor living area that is accessory to, and used wholly for the purposes of, a residence;

  • Youth center means any public or private facility that is primarily used to host recreational or social activities for minors, including, but not limited to, private youth membership organizations or clubs, social service teenage club facilities, video arcades, or similar amusement park facilities.

  • Park Sienna Mortgage Loans The Mortgage Loans identified as such on the Mortgage Loan Schedule for which Park Sienna is the applicable Seller.

  • Birth center means a facility or institution, which is not an ambulatory surgical center or a hospital or in a hospital, in which births are planned to occur following a normal, uncomplicated, low-risk pregnancy.

  • Rear Yard means a yard extending across the full width of a parcel measured perpendicularly from the rear wall(s) of the main building situated on the parcel to the rear property boundary of the parcel [see sketch in Schedule B];

  • Intermodal Rail Yard means a rail facility in which cargo is transferred from drayage truck to train or vice-versa.

  • Flood Boundary and Floodway Map (FBFM means an official map of a community, issued by the FEMA, on which the Special Flood Hazard Areas and the floodways are delineated. This official map is a supplement to and shall be used in conjunction with the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM).

  • Pneumatic tire means every tire in which compressed air is designed to support the load.

  • SITC means the Standard International Trade Classification, Revision 3 (SITC, Rev. 3), published by the United Nations in Statistical Papers, Series M, No. 34/Rev. 3 (1986);