Examples of Small contractor in a sentence
Small contractor goals for 2014 may still be met.• The history of project schedule and budget targets for the years 2011-2014 was presented.
McGraw- Hill, Irwin.Creswell, JW 2014, Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative and Mixed Method Approaches (4th ed.) Thousand oaks, CA: Sage.Crosswell, J & McCutcheon, RT 2001, Small contractor development and employment– A brief survey of sub-Saharan experience in relation to civil construction.
The above sample size 133 is proportionately distributed into these two strata to guarantee appropriate and equal representation.
Small contractor does not include any person who is affiliated with another person if both persons considered together have a gross revenue exceeding fifteen million dollars.
Small contractor organisation will necessarily tend to be less formal than large contractors, and focused on the organisation of labour.