Residential Dwelling Any one of the following: (i) a detached one-family dwelling, (ii) a detached two- to four-family dwelling, (iii) a one-family dwelling unit in a Xxxxxx Xxx eligible condominium project, (iv) a manufactured home, or (v) a detached one-family dwelling in a planned unit development, none of which is a co-operative or mobile home.
Apartment Dwelling means any dwelling unit within a building containing more than four dwelling units where the units are connected by an interior corridor;
new dwelling means, for the purposes of the definition of “second authority” and paragraphs 91, 98 and 103, the dwelling to which an applicant has moved, or is about to move, in which the applicant will be resident;
Dwelling means any building, structure, or portion thereof which is occupied as, or designed or intended for occupancy as, a residence by one or more families, and any vacant land which is offered for sale or lease for the construction or location thereon of any such building, structure, or portion thereof.
semi-detached dwelling means a building divided vertically into two dwelling units each of which has a separate entrance and access to grade;
Multi-family dwelling means a structure that contains more than one separate dwelling unit, which is used, or occupied, or intended to be used or occupied, in whole, or in part as the home or residence of one or more persons.
Residential Dwelling Unit means any portion of a building that contains living facilities, including a room or rooms in a facility that have shared cooking, bathing, toilet, or laundry facilities such as dormitories, shelters, assisted living facilities, and boarding homes. "Residential dwelling unit" also means facilities that include provisions for sleeping, cooking, bathing, and toilet facilities for one or more persons and are used for extended stays, such as time-shares and extended-stay motels. "Residential dwelling unit" does not mean a guest room in a motel or hotel.
Multifamily dwelling means a structure that contains more than one separate residential dwelling unit, which is used or occupied, or intended to be used or occupied, in whole or in part, as the home or residence of one or more persons.
Multiple Dwelling means a building containing three or more dwelling units.
private dwelling means any part of a structure that is occupied as a residence, or any part of a structure or outdoor living area that is accessory to, and used wholly for the purposes of, a residence;
single detached dwelling means a completely detached Building containing only one Dwelling Unit;
single detached dwelling unit means a residential building consisting of one dwelling unit and not attached to another structure;
Multiple-family dwelling means a property containing 5 or more residential units, including those which are occupied seasonally.
Single-family dwelling means a private residence provided with sleeping and cooking facilities intended for domestic use and in which the occupants live as a single housekeeping unit that is not part of a Multiple Dwelling;
Manufactured dwelling means a residential trailer, a mobile home or a manufactured
stacked townhouse means a building, other than a townhouse or apartment building, containing at least 3 dwelling units, each dwelling unit being separated from the other vertically and/or horizontally, and each dwelling unit having an entrance to grade shared with no more than 3 other units;
Single-family dwelling unit means a structure that is usually occupied by just one household or family and for the purposes of this Policy is expected to generate an average of 250 gallons per day of wastewater.
Townhouse means a building, other than a plex, stacked townhouse or apartment building, containing at least 3 dwelling units, each dwelling unit separated vertically from the other by a party wall and each dwelling unit having a separate entrance to grade;
Accessory dwelling unit means an attached or a detached residential dwelling unit that provides complete independent living facilities for one or more persons and is located on a lot with a proposed or existing primary residence. It shall include permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking, and sanitation on the same parcel as the single-family or multifamily dwelling is or will be situated. An accessory dwelling unit also includes the following:
Dwelling unit means a single unit providing complete, independent living facilities for one or more persons, including permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking and sanitation.
Dwelling house means any residential property assessed as real
Lots means all or any machinery and other items sold or intended to be sold in accordance with these conditions; “Purchaser” means a person, firm or Company who purchase any Lot;
Modular home means a modular unit as defined in Section 15A-1-302.
Manufactured dwelling park means a place where four or more manufactured dwellings
Mobile home lot means a portion of a mobile home park or manufactured housing community designated as the location of one mobile home, manufactured home, or park model and its accessory buildings, and intended for the exclusive use as a primary residence by the occupants of that mobile home, manufactured home, or park model;
Mobile home means any dwelling that is designed to be made mobile, and constructed or manufactured to provide a permanent residence for one or more persons, but does not include a travel trailer or tent trailer;