Small facility definition

Small facility means a wind energy facility which has a total rated capacity of more than 10 kW but not greater than 30 kW. A Small Facility has a stand alone design, on its own foundation, or may be supported by guy wires, is not roof mounted, and the tower of which is not more than 35 metres (115 feet) in height.
Small facility means a facility that is not a Title V facility, a synthetic minor facility, a general facility, nor solely a transportation facility.
Small facility means a facility licensed to serve 16 or fewer persons.

Examples of Small facility in a sentence

  • Small facility building replacements, major facility renovations, and down payment contributions toward a large facility replacement in conjunction with bond measure funding are examples of intended Facility Replacement Reserve uses.

  • Expect to provide counters and casework for a minimum of two stations / control personnel within this area in an X-small or a Small facility.

  • As a result, there continues to be a higher level of vacancies.• Facility Renovation / Cleaning – Small facility renovations have been completed including the installation of plexiglass to ensure adequate distance between members and the public, the addition of sanitization stations and signage.

  • Small facility" means a facility that is not a Title V facility, a synthetic minor facility, a general facility, nor solely a transportation facility.(6) "Synthetic minor facility" means a facility that would be a Title V facility except that the potential emissions are reduced below the thresholds in Paragraph (2) of this Rule by one or more physical or operational limitations on the capacity of the facility to emit an air pollutant.

  • Small facility" means a facility that is not a Title V facility, a synthetic minor facility, a general facility, nor solely a transportation facility.

More Definitions of Small facility

Small facility means a Facility with a Peak Demand of more than 200 kW but less than 15 GWh per year of electricity consumption.
Small facility means a building which houses at least 7 or more than 15 residents and which is not a secure facility.
Small facility means a building which houses not less than 7 residents and not more than 15 residents and which is not a secure facility.
Small facility means a child care facility that is:
Small facility means a wind energy facilityconsisting of a single turbine designed to supplement other electricity sources as an accessory use to existing buildings or facilities and has a total rated capacity of more than 10 kW but not greater than 50 kW. A Small Facility has a stand alone design, on its own foundation, or may be supported by guy wires, is not roof mounted, and the tower of which is not more than 35 metres (115 feet) in height.
Small facility means a facility that has or will have before-control potential emissions of:
Small facility means a treatment facility with an average daily design flow less than 10,000 gallons per day or a sewer line of less than 2.500 feet in length including appurtenances.