Examples of Small School in a sentence
The principal operating revenues of the District’s enterprise fund are charges for services relating to the Small School District Council Consortium.
Brockwood Park School and Inwoods Small School follow the Government’s recommendations for the safer recruitment and employment of staff who work with children.
District's LCFF Revenue Standard Indicate which standard applies: LCFF Rev enue Basic AidNecessary Small School The District must select which LCFF rev enue standard applies.
Senior Secondary Small Schools (SSSS) Program Schools that do not meet the criteria for a regular grade extension will be funded under the Senior Secondary Small School Program.
Small School Adjustment for Districts with a Student Count of 125 or less in K-8 or 100 or less in 9-12 (A.R.S. §15-949) (If phase-down applies, see Work Sheets K and K2) *5.
A permission slip is sent home with eligible students at the beginning of the school year.AthleticsSacred Heart Catholic School participates in the Southern Oregon Middle School Athletic Commission (Small School Division) athletics program and follows Archdiocesan guidelines, policies and rules in its after school athletic programs.
The Friday Institute shall report annually to the State Board of Education on the evaluation results."SMALL SCHOOL SYSTEM SUPPLEMENTAL FUNDINGSECTION 7.12.(a) Funds for Small School Systems.
Based on the success of this approach as used at the highest-performing urban charter schools serving a similar population, consistent enforcement of consequences for small infractions prevents larger infractions from occurring.33 Small School EnvironmentResearch has repeatedly indicated that small schools are highly effective in ensuring that urban students reach proficiency.
Refer to the instructions for information on completing the form including the definition of “normal” attendance.) *Qualifier should be 90% or less except when the governor declares a state of emergency or in the case of a Necessary Small School (NSS) site.
Small School Instructional SupportOne instructional position will be funded to elementary schools with less than 450 UFTE.