Social benefits definition
Examples of Social benefits in a sentence
Special emphasis on Financial and Social benefits will be given to the local people including tribal population, if any, in the area.
Social benefits other than social benefits in kind: As these data are not time adjusted in the Hungarian sector accounts for households, we do not apply time adjustment in GG accounts either.
In that capacity, she was responsible for the overall strategy and execution of the firm’s product offerings in South East Asia via intermediaries.Eleanor graduated with a Bachelor of Economics from the University of New South Wales,Sydney and holds NASD certification in Series 6.Yu-Ming WANGYu-Ming is a non-executive director of the Managers.Yu-Ming has a wealth of experience in the asset management industry with a notable track record particularly in managing global fixed income.
Social benefits and costs can differ from private benefits and costs as measured in the marketplace because of imperfections arising from: (i) external economies or diseconomies where actions by one party impose benefits or costs on other groups that are not compensated in the market place; (ii) monopoly power that distorts the relationship between marginal costs and market prices; and (iii) taxes or subsidies.
Social benefits are contingent on level of household incomes, expenses and size.