Societal perspective definition
Examples of Societal perspective in a sentence
Since SCE and DRA forecasted market prices based on marginal production costs and did not include any effects of strategic bidding, the adjustments that the CAISO made to its Societal perspective to obtain a Modified Societal perspective would not be applicable to the SCE and DRA analyses.
Table 4CAISO Economic Evaluation of DPV2 (Levelized Annual $2008 Million/Year) CAISO SocietalModifiedRatepayerCAISO Ratepayer PerspectiveSocietal(LMP Only)(LMP + Contract Path)Levelized Benefits: Energy$ 56$ 84$ 57$ 198OperationalAs indicated in Table 4, the CAISO presents economic results for two versions of the Societal perspective and two versions of the CAISO Ratepayer perspective.
The CAISO also presented benefit results for the entire Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC) region (the WECC or Societal perspective).
Benefit- cost ratios can be calculated for other perspectives as well, e.g., for other geographic regions such as the Southwest or the Northwest, or other groups of market participants such as non-utility generators or municipal utilities.The WECC or Societal perspective takes into consideration all market participants in the WECC area.
What the CAISO calls the Modified Societal perspective does not consider that portion of producer surplus arising from the exercise of market power to be a valid benefit and, thus, reflects the related increase in consumer surplus as a benefit.
Because of the societal value in reducing producer monopoly profits, we determined in D.06-11-018 that, for evaluations that include strategic bidding above system marginal costs, the Modified Societal perspective, rather than the CAISO’s Societal perspective, is the appropriate perspective to use in evaluating the societal benefits of a proposed transmission project.To evaluate potential energy benefits of DPV2, the CAISO used the PLEXOS Direct Current Optimal Power Flow network model.
In the CAISO’s basic Societal perspective, the reduction in market power-derived producer profits that the CAISO forecasts due to DPV2 is viewed as a negative benefit and offsets much of the projected consumer benefits from reduced energy costs.
The two versions of the Societal perspective differ in their treatment of the effects of DPV2 in mitigating the ability of generators to exert market power.
The CAISO describes that quantifiable benefits of proposed transmission expansions can be evaluated from various perspectives, and describes three particular perspectives: the WECC or Societal perspective, the CAISO Ratepayer perspective, and the CAISO Participant perspective.
In the event the Contractor is not terminated, but fails to complete the work, or any part thereof, in the time agreed upon in the contract or within any extra time as may have been allowed for delays by extensions granted as provided in the contract, the Contractor shall reimburse the Owner for the additional expense and damage for each calendar day that the contract remains uncompleted after the contract completion date in the amounts stipulated in Section 1.15.