Environmental benefits definition
Examples of Environmental benefits in a sentence
KCC will benefit from: • 50% share of disposal benefits • Ability to strategically manage the waste streams within East Kent • Removal of distorting influence of recycling credit payment mechanism Both parties also benefit from • More certainty through securing long term processing capacity • Better coordination of recycling, prevention and minimisation initiatives • Environmental benefits such as reduced carbon emissions from more efficient transport arrangements.
Technological innovation and dispersion: Environmental benefits and the adoption of improved biomass cookstoves in Tigrai, northern Ethiopia.
Environmental benefits must be presented in a life-cycle approach where relevant and shall be clear, substantial, ambitious, as well as credible.
Reduced FAA operating costs; • Additional flights enabled by greater capacity; • Reduced flight cancellations; • Increased safety; and • Environmental benefits from reduced aircraft emissions (CO2 only).
Other anticipated efforts include 2 eight-hour training courses, 24 one-hour group training sessions and three CPEs. Environmental benefits will result from loans made and projects completed to reduce specific contaminants, create energy savings, conserve water, increase capacity to meet current water needs, replace aging infrastructure, and comply with state and federal regulations.