Examples of Soil science in a sentence
In the series analytic: Soil science research in the Plant Science Department : 1991 Annual Report.
The Officer concurred with the proposed contamination remediation, did not object on traffic noise grounds, and recommended controls for noise and dust during building works.
Soil science 20 specifically does not include practice of soil mechanics or the 21 evaluation of mass wasting or landslide processes with the exception of 22 studies involved with surface soil erosion and standard soil physics 23 processes.
Soil science and plant nutrition, 53, 792-805.Rochefort, L., Price, J.
Soil science is highly interdisciplinary; soil scientists apply biology and microbial ecology, chemistry, earth sciences, ecology, hydrology, mineralogy, mathematics, nutrition, toxicology, and physics to understand, sustain, and improve the environment.
Respondent shall refer to the Guidance for Conducting Remedial Investigations and Feasibility Studies, OSWER 9355.3-01, EPA/540/G-89/004 (Oct.
History of Soil science -International Perspectives- Catena Verlag, Reiskirchen, Germany, 438 pp.
Apart from this, post graduate students in six disciplines viz., Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Entomology, Agronomy, Genetics and Plant Breeding, Soil science and Agricultural Chemistry and Vegetable Science are also involved in research activities.
Sincerely yours,Zita MerkelieneGeneral Manager Leinonen Lithuania www.leinonen.ltWe put emphasis on communication between our customers and personnel as well as personal services.
Soil science news & views - Cooperative Extension Service and University of Kentucky, College of Agriculture, Department of Agronomy v.