Examples of Sound Recordings in a sentence
This right does not apply to works that are “works made for hire.” Since the enactment of the Sound Recordings Act of 1971, which first accorded federal copyright protection for sound recordings in the U.S., virtually all of our agreements with recording artists provide that such recording artists render services under a work-made-for-hire relationship.
Music means Works, Sound Recordings and Video/Film Recordings in which the rights of Performance, Communication and Copying are controlled by APRA, AMCOS or Recorded Music New Zealand Limited, for the purposes of this agreement.
Video/Film Recordings means each music video or film presented in conjunction with Sound Recordings by the Copyright Owner, the right of Performance and Communication of which are controlled by Recorded Music New Zealand Limited in New Zealand.
Sound Recordings means all sound recordings by the Copyright Owner for New Zealand, the right of Performance and Communication of which are controlled by Recorded Music New Zealand Limited in New Zealand.
Application of the Fair Dealing Policy to Musical Works and Sound Recordings Under sections 1 and 4(a) of the Fair Dealing Policy a faculty member or administrative staff may copy or communicate up to 10% of a single musical work that is in the form of sheet music.