Examples of Source controls in a sentence
Source controls are usually the most effective mechanisms for decreasing contamination and are typically less expensive than constructing end-of-pipe treatments.
Source controls help reduce the contact of stormwater with potential pollutants.
Source controls include, but are not limited to, segregating or isolating wastes to prevent contact with drainage water; enclosing, covering, or containing the activity to prevent contact with drainage water; developing and implementing inspection and maintenance programs; sweeping; and taking management actions such as training employees on pollution prevention.
Source controls, such as elimination or reduction of the use of toxic pollutants, covering of pollutant source areas, sweeping of paved areas, containment of potential pollutants, labeling all storm drain inlets with "No Dumping" signs, isolation/separation of industrial from non-industrial pollutant sources so that runoff from these areas does not mix, etc.
The cumulative and aggregate limit of Delay Charges for delay in delivery and Delay Charges for delay in commissioning would be limited to maximum of 10% of the total Bid Value.
Operator protection: Source controls shall be located such that no first scattered radiation reaches the control area (an exception to this general rule applies to DEXA bone density, and veterinary and dental units) and that exposures from primary and secondary radiation will not exceed regulatory limits when use and occupancy factors are taken into account.17 CCR 30311(b)(2) and 30314(b)(2)Good Practice7.
Source controls at the lot level are the preferred method for controlling the impacts of stormwater.
Source controls are typically performed at some defined frequency to minimize pollutant build-up and downstream wash-off during a rainfall event.
Source controls reduce the volume of runoff generated on-site and eliminate initial opportunities for pollutants to enter the drainage system.
SQL Data Source Control: Creating database connections, Executing database commands, Using ASP.NET parameters with the SQL data source controls, Programmatically executing SQL data source commands, Cashing database data with the SQL data Source controls.