Source Inspection definition
Examples of Source Inspection in a sentence
C6 To Supplier This order is subject to Government/Regulatory Source Inspection (GSI) and/or Customer Source Inspection (CSI) and access to all facilities involved in the order and to all applicable records shall be provided.
Documentation includes Buyer Source Inspection if such source inspection is performed.
Buyer Source Inspection shall include, but is not limited to the following:Validation of Seller automated test programs and procedures to Buyer’s specification/ drawing requirements (when applicable).
Government Source Inspection is required on this order; it may involve in-process and final inspection.
Source Inspection recommended (use of source inspection evaluation factor authorized after formal notification to contractor).
Should the Buyer not attend such FAI, the Buyer shall delegate the FAI to the BFE Supplier and confirmation thereof shall be supplied to the Seller in writing; • to attend the Source Inspection (“SI”) that takes place at the BFE Supplier’s premises prior to shipping, for each shipset of all Major BFE.
When Source Inspection is a Purchase Order requirement, the First Article part and the First Article Report shall be presented together with the parts at the time of Source Inspection.
To ensure the right QFR performs the CSI, please request the QFR'S contact information from your NGC Buyer.After Buyer Source Inspection, any rework or test of the item(s), including any unscheduled or unauthorized entry, such as removal of a panel, cover, or enclosure shall void the Buyer Source Inspection and Seller shall request Buyer to repeat applicable Source Inspection step(s).
If Source Inspection is not a P.O. requirement, the First Article part and the First Article Reports shall be individually packaged in a container with the balance of the parts when shipped to PTI Technologies Inc.
Supplier shall record the form serial number on their Packing Sheet for cross-reference purposes.Note: Parts processed through Northrop Grumman MRB, or requiring Government Source Inspection are excluded from this process.