Special benefits means benefits provided in a
Special benefits means "an uncommon advantage." Red
Special benefits means benefits provided in a 863 defined contribution plan component for police officers.
Examples of Special benefits in a sentence
Special benefits act as a logical connection to property from the improvement system or services and facilities being constructed.
Special benefits and requirements apply under these programs, as explained in each section.
Special benefits and requirements apply under these programs, as explained in each section.Effective January 1, 2005.
Special benefits are paid when the suspension of the activity is not temporary, but is due to sector - or area - specific firm restructuring.
Special benefits may be available if the claimant enters an approved self-employment agreement for the development and implementation of a business plan.
More Definitions of Special benefits
Special benefits. If the CONSULTANT determines that there are special benefits, as a result of the project, the reasoning must be consistent, convincing and supported by market data. If the government takes a portion of property for an improvement and the improvement actually increases the value of the remaining land, just compensation is to be adjusted accordingly. The Dictionary of Real Estate Appraisal, Third Edition, defines special benefits as “Specific, i.e., not general, benefits that accrue to the property remaining after a partial taking.” These benefits may offset damages and the value of the portion proposed for acquisition. Damages, if any, accrue exclusively to the remainder and must be explained and justified in the report.
Special benefits means any (i) non-standard or additional discount or net reseller price below Juniper’s standard list price offered to Reseller for a specific End-User deal or promotion; or (ii) promotion, program, rebate, benefit, or market development funds that are made available by Juniper to Reseller.
Special benefits means benefits or incentives granted to an approved mining company;
Special benefits means benefits other than volume incentives for dealers which a home manufacturer funds from general corporate revenues by charging them against corporate overhead and profit without changing the wholesale (base) price of a manufactured home (or series of homes), as reflected in ‘the manufacturer’s published wholesale (base) price list, and which are limited